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About jaeden

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    is kinda sus.

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  1. jaeden

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    "The Dark Spire of Chasm"
  2. jaeden

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    You can just upload it on imgur and embed it here.
  3. jaeden

    How To "Fix" The Spider Mastermind?

    I would make SMM either immune or very resistant to BFG. I do not like that a (final) boss enemy can be just simply one-shotted like that.
  4. jaeden

    How close are you to finishing your TC?

    I usually post screenshots of maps (still without things and monsters) from this project in either Doom Pictures Thread, or in "What are you working on" thread.
  5. There is a "Make sectors" mode in UDB (usually hotkey 'M'), which fills those void areas or splits separated joined sectors.
  6. jaeden

    How close are you to finishing your TC?

    I have been working on my TC project for some time (I think nearly 3 years?). It is kind of a Heretic/Hexen themed partially open-world game. My progress so far is: Player Classes: 12 playable characters (each with ~5 weapons, one special ability, and one passive trait), finished. Weapons: 54 weapons (coded by me, graphics mostly from Heretic, Hexen, Realm667, or community threads, some even made by me), finished. Pickups / Items: Finished, except for maybe some special items that would be part of some boss fight. Game mechanics: Finished. Enemies: 50+ enemy types of all kind finished, still need to create a few more types. Bosses: 9 bosses finished, a few more waiting to be made, some finished bosses may need still some tuning (9th boss is currently kinda too overtuned). Levels: 49 maps finished (may require some additional cosmetic touches), 20 maps done without items and enemies for now, 6 maps not started. Difficulty levels: 7 difficulty levels implemented. They mostly affect enemy counts, enemies' health, enemies' projectile speed, and player's damage taken. Textures: Mostly Baker's Legacy texture pack, plus some additional textures/edits by me or by community (doomworld texture threads). Sound effects: Most are ripped from WoW, some sounds used from Heretic or Hexen. Music: Using mostly music from Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II, and from Raven Midi Pack, plus a couple of tracks/remixes made by me. Font: Finished (using BMF font generated from Vinque font in most places, and Papyrus font for map name writing on automap). HUD: Finished. Menus: Finished new game menus - Game mode selection (basically how much open-world you want), Character selection, Difficulty selection, Chapter selection. Might make some help "menus" to describe character abilities and weapons. Title screen: I have an idea and a base image, will probably edit it and change colors of it or something. Some "finished" things will still probably be changed.
  7. jaeden

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Some new evil and fiery WIP screenshots...
  8. My guess here is that the sound play function should have parentheses A_PlaySound("weapons/rocklx") as right now the engine is probably trying to parse "weapons/rocklx" as a sprite name.
  9. jaeden

    "error" missing token (unexpected end of file).

    You are missing closing quotes at Decorate's line 11.
  10. A_SkullAttack does following things: Checks if has valid target Sets up +SKULLFLY flag (this flag handles what happens when the actor later crashes into something) Plays attack sound Turns to face target (player) Sets its velocity to charge speed (given by function parameter) in that facing direction Adjusts Z velocity so it can hit target that is on different Z position Lost soul attack has goto Missile+2 so it loops frames C and D, so it does not call A_SkullAttack again (this loop breaks when actor with +SKULLFLY crashes into something.) To make homing attack, you may need to call A_SkullAttack (or something with similar behavior) in loop. To stop charging, you should stop the moving (A_Stop) and clear the +SKULLFLY flag, and probably jump to some normal state (like See). A_SkullAttack is defined like this (from gzdoom.pk3): void A_SkullAttack(double skullspeed = DEFSKULLSPEED) { if (target == null) return; if (skullspeed <= 0) skullspeed = DEFSKULLSPEED; bSkullfly = true; A_StartSound(AttackSound, CHAN_VOICE); A_FaceTarget(); VelFromAngle(skullspeed); Vel.Z = (target.pos.Z + target.Height/2 - pos.Z) / DistanceBySpeed(target, skullspeed); }
  11. jaeden

    GZDoom compat issues

    Menu background tint can be changed/removed in Gameinfo definition in MAPINFO lump, changing DimColor and DimAmount.
  12. jaeden

    Custom monster logic question

    To slow down a player, just give them a PowerSpeed powerup with Speed property set lower than 1.0.
  13. jaeden

    A_SpawnParticleEx() math question

    I understand it that you want particles to shoot from surface of a sphere, in direction perpendicular to the surface. I had similar thing and solved it like this: Generate random numbers for angle and pitch: double a = frandom(0, 360); double p = (frandom(-90, 90) + frandom(-90, 90)) * 0.5; Then the particle parameters shall be: angle: a, xoff: cos(a) * cos(p) * R, yoff: sin(a) * cos(p) * R, zoff: sin(p) * R + H, velx: cos(a) * cos(p) * S, vely: sin(a) * cos(p) * S, velz: sin(p) * S, where a and p are previously generated numbers, R is sphere radius, H is z distance from thing origin position to sphere center, and S is desired particle speed. I don't know what acceleration you want, but it shouldbe similar to the vel parameters (or just 0 if you don't want any acceleration). I hope I did not make any typo or mistake here. Edit: This solution relies on NOT having the SPF_RELATIVE flag used. Edit 2: I do not recommend creating particles (or doing anything at all) from Tick() method on inventory items... It can have undesirable effects when they are in someone's inventory, or when inactive and invisible waiting for respawn. The particle creation should be better handled in some function called from the actor's states.
  14. Some screenshots from a bonus level... The same level in the UDB automap view... FOUND THE GOLD, YAY!
  15. jaeden

    How you add Zscript actors into map?

    I think you cannot mix old and new mapinfo formats in a single mapinfo lump. Try changing the MAP01 definition to the newer mapinfo format: map MAP01 "UAC Ocean Base" { next = "MAP02" } DoomEdNums { 15009 = STMinigun }