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About TuxWare

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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273 profile views
  1. i was searching if there are conversions of dust2 from goldsrc/source to gzdoom and no videos or doomworld forums were 1:1 recreations
  2. TuxWare

    some general newbie questions

    How can i flip texture and see edges of it? Editor is UDB
  3. TuxWare

    My csgo music kit concept

    My second version, workshop link will be added soon
  4. This is my test (or it will be in csgo if all of the music creators allow me to post it on workshop) of putting various Doom midi music into a csgo music kit. Comment on what should be changed and if this is good or bad
  5. I was wondering how can i download zdaemon on doomseeker since i use linux
  6. I am thinking of accuracy, firerate, bullet type and damage. And something that i think that gzdoom only do: moving accuracy, more ammo types and counter strike like weapon slots
  7. TuxWare

    slade 3 invalid executable path

    i use flatpak (i think) of gzdoom and slade so latest, for the path i used whereis command and output was: gzdoom: /usr/games/gzdoom
  8. I tried to make maps in slade 3 and when i click play map and insert path to gzdoom it says "invalid executable path". I use zorinOS
  9. TuxWare

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    episode 1 ITYTD-speed by doomchad Time: 8ish minutes ITYTDspeed.zip