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How to add custom midis in vanilla doom using Slade 3

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step 1: get slade here: Slade's Download Page

step 2: make your wad by clicking new archive and choosing doom wad archive, which is usually selected by default.

step 3: add your midi(s).

step 4: right-click your midi and click "Rename".

step 5: change your midi's name to its corresponding lump. (For a list of music lump names and their corresponding maps, click the spoiler under this tutorial.)

step 6: save your wad to a directory of your choice.

step 7: all done, this tutorial does work with mp3's and other formats for music as well, but in turn your wad wont be vanilla if you choose those formats (Besides .MUS)




D_RUNNIN MAP01: Entryway

D_RUNNI2 MAP15: Industrial Zone

D_STALKS MAP02: Underhalls

D_STLKS2 MAP11: Circle of Death

D_STLKS3 MAP17: Tenements

D_COUNTD MAP03: The Gantlet

D_COUNT2 MAP21: Nirvana

D_BETWEE MAP04: The Focus

D_DOOM MAP05: The Waste Tunnels

D_DOOM2 MAP13: Downtown

D_THE_DA MAP06: The Crusher

D_THEDA2 MAP12: The Factory

D_THEDA3 MAP24: The Chasm

D_SHAWN MAP07: Dead Simple

D_SHAWN2 MAP19: The Citadel

D_SHAWN3 MAP29: The Living End

D_DDTBLU MAP08: Tricks and Traps

D_DDTBL2 MAP14: The Inmost Dens

D_DDTBL3 MAP22: The Catacombs

D_IN_CIT MAP09: The Pit

D_DEAD MAP10: Refueling Base

D_DEAD2 MAP16: Suburbs

D_ROMERO MAP18: The Courtyard

D_ROMER2 MAP27: Monster Condo

D_MESSAG MAP20: Gotcha!

D_MESSG2 MAP26: The Abandoned Mines

D_AMPIE MAP23: Barrels o' Fun

D_ADRIAN MAP25: Bloodfalls

D_TENSE MAP28: The Spirit World

D_OPENIN MAP30: Icon of Sin

D_EVIL MAP31: Wolfenstein, Cast sequence

D_ULTIMA MAP32: Grosse

D_DM2TTL Title music (should be a very short midi, around a couple seconds.)

D_DM2INT Intermission music

D_READ_M Text screen music


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