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Murderous Owl

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About Murderous Owl

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Murderous Owl

    Would I be able to put a video into Doom?

    No its for GZdoom
  2. I was just curious if I were to take a 15 second video into a gif, then convert that gif into images, and then took the audio file from the video, would I be able to put it into a Doom map as an Easter egg?
  3. Murderous Owl

    Tips for mapping block?

    Recently I've been having some artist block for mapping/mapping block. I haven't really been able to think of any new Doom levels, so I was just curious how others deal with this and how people get ideas for maps when they aren't able to think of anything new.
  4. Murderous Owl

    The Power Plant (Doom 2, GZdoom)

    I think the reason you got stuck in the chess secret might've been because either the cacodemon (which took the place of the king) wasn't considered dead (which opens a hidden door) or because the tags got messed up. Tbf this was my first map after I had gotten used to how the level editor works, so I probably didn't do the scripting completely correctly
  5. Murderous Owl

    Favorite classic Doom maps/WADs?

    I'm looking for Doom WADs to play and I really like classic Doom maps, so I was curious what are some of people's favorite maps (or just good maps in general) made in the 90s or styled after 90s maps. You can recommend your own maps too, btw, I just wanna play some classic wads tbh.
  6. I'm working on a map and was wondering how would I do that one thing from episode 1 m1 where you press a switch and the floor raises, changing texture. I looked in the the map file but since I'm using the ultimate doom builder format it's a different line action.
  7. So while testing some of the levels I have done in my megawad I noticed that while the maps are balanced for pistol starts, when the player has items from previous levels it's somewhat easy, and while for earlier levels it's no big deal, but once the player gets more powerful weapons like the rocket launcher or the plasma gun, it gets super easy. While I don't want to necessarily have the wad be difficult I also don't want it to be too easy, what are some ways I can keep the gameplay from getting too easy even when the player has powerful weapons, while still also allowing the player to complete it with a pistol start?
  8. So I am working on a Doom map for my Megawad in which the player returns to Earth and is inside some sort of factory. While making it, I realized that since it's set on Earth, I wanted to make sure players could actually tell what the locations are meant to be. While factories might be able to be excused at being less realistic, I plan on making cities/neighborhoods, so I was just curious what are some tips in making locations that players would be familiar with in their real life. I'm going for a more 90s classic Doom style, so I don't want to go overboard with the realistic-ness, but I still want to make sure that players can actually tell where they're meant to be. What are your guys methods for making locations like this?
  9. Murderous Owl

    How do you do secrets the "right" way?

    So I'm just curious what's the "right" way to make secrets? What are some good ways to have indicators without it being obvious, and how do you gage how difficult it'll be to find a secret? Are there any major dos/don'ts when it comes to making secrets? I already know that secrets shouldn't just be a random wall that's openable, and that there should be some secrets that are their own extension to the map instead of just being a small room with items, but that's about it.
  10. I'm currently working on a Doom 2 map and want to add a church, however I need to make a stained glass texture, and I'm unsure how to get it to fit in with other Doom textures. Obviously I know I need to make sure it matches the color pallet, and I also know that often times in the 90s game creators would photo scan images into the game, but that's all I really know. What are some tips to make textures fit in place with other Doom textures?
  11. I'm working on a 32 map mega wad (although depending on how the project goes I may decrease the amount of maps) for Doom 2, since I thought it'd be fun, and I wanted to have a way to get lots of practice for making maps. However, I've never made a wad with more than 1 map, so while I have the basics of making individual maps, I am not as experienced with multilevel wads. What are some tips for making sure the gameplay is balanced throughout the wad?
  12. Murderous Owl

    Hellish Forest

    I must've not noticed that while testing, I'll go back in and fix it, thanks for letting me know about it!
  13. Murderous Owl

    Hellish Forest

    Hey, thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! When it comes to making the theme of a map I feel like most of my levels are Doom 1 styled with additional enemies from Doom 2, since, personally, I feel like Doom 1 was more memorable. Also, sorry that the secrets were too hard to find, I tend to make secrets way too easy or difficult to find, so sorry you couldn't find them. Plus I'll admit the items in the secrets and the secret areas themselves aren't really that interesting so you aren't really missing out on much, just some healthkits and ammo, and dumb refrence
  14. Murderous Owl

    Hellish Forest

    *Originally this map was meant to be used in a bigger WAD I'm developing, however I realized it didn't really fit in, so now I'm uploading it right now. Sorry for the lack of diversity in weapons :P This is a single map WAD in which you go through a forest in, you guessed it, Hell. A blood lake flowing through it, burnt trees, rocky walls, demons teleporting in to ambush you, everything you'd expect in a forest. With limited ammo and health packs, and tight but manageable spaces, it's not going to be easy getting through. (This is just to make the map sound cool, it's not actually that difficult, probably only a 6/10 on the difficulty scale) Game: Doom 2 Source Port: GZdoom Editors: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade Jump and Freelook: On HellishForest.zip Previews:
  15. Murderous Owl

    What makes a good city level?

    I'm currently working on a wad and had an idea for having a cyberdemon fight in the middle of a city, however I realized I have no idea what goes into making city levels. Any tips for making a good city level?