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About TheDanMarine

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  1. Project Warlock (the first one, not 2) is the final boss of these kinds of games. Heavily recommended if you want a wolf3D style grid game with a ton of modernization and quality of life upgrades. funnily enough, it does the same thing chasm does with the short "level packs" that switch themes. I wouldn't be surprised if the dev has played that game... kinda seems like every throwback shooter dev has!
  2. I still die to archviles pretty consistently. I used to have trouble with revenants but I've realized a few things about them: they stun really easy, so the chaingun helps a lot. staying up close and personal makes them more likely to melee attack, which is way easier to dodge. and if I see a revenant in a big open room I need to do everything I can to lure it somewhere with corners! (special shoutout to that one revenant in a circular room in TNT. I once spent five minutes going in a circle before I tried to leave through the door and died) d'you remember what that map was? I could really use something like that, for texturing especially.
  3. TheDanMarine

    Nebulous Intentions

    I'll be honest it kinda feels like you're just chatting to yourself at this point. I don't know if it's even registered in your head that I have, in fact, realigned a bunch of the textures to look correct or if you even read what I say. and yes, I'm aware I can change the textures. my problem with the outdoor area is that nothing I change it to looks quite right, which is something I can only fix with either experimentation or a new custom texture altogether. and if you reply with the same thing worded differently a third time, I'm going to start strongly suspecting you're actually an AI.
  4. TheDanMarine

    Nebulous Intentions

    that's because I actually like the overall appearance. there's maybe some thing I could still improve here and there, but I like how it looks overall now. and yes, I did adjust some of the texture alignments. quite a few in fact. ...except for the outdoor rock walls at the end. I just can't get that one to look how I want.
  5. TheDanMarine

    Vice Laboratory: One Level Wad for Doom II

    this is usually where I'd post a replay but frankly I died right at the end and don't feel like doing even more runs because everyone else is right: it's a tedious map gameplay wise. if you want to use that many pinkies it helps to give the player either a chainsaw or berserk pack at some point, to keep it from getting old. shotgunning or chaingunning hell knights, cacodemons, and mancubi to death takes forever. if you're gonna put a lot of high tier enemies in, considering adding high damage weapons like a rocket launcher or SSG. I did enjoy the peekaboo sniping sections like with the revenants in a cage, and the outdoor area looks very nice. this is the part people keep praising my maps for while my texture work gets ripped to shred, so allow me some input. this wall of text only covers the monsters you actually used in the map:
  6. TheDanMarine

    Nebulous Intentions

    Version 1.1 is out, with a lot of small texture tweaks that make things look better. the biggest of which being the poison room now has a reasonable amount of poison warnings.
  7. TheDanMarine

    Nebulous Intentions

    it's been a while since I made this map and I've been taking notes from everything I play texture-wise already, but thank you for your feedback regardless. I will say, aside from the final area I don't think it looked that bad. not good, but not as bad as you make it sound! thank you for playing~ actually, maybe I will go back one of these days and give it a little bit of extra polish. I can certainly do better now.
  8. TheDanMarine

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I opened up shadow warrior 2 expecting (reboot) shadow warrior, but more. instead I got mid-grade borderlands knockoff where I can't see what's going on when I fight anything. it's not really bad, exactly, it's just aggressively mediocre. the biggest problem is that it really needed to tone down everything three notches. the visual effects are too many, the drop loot is too much, the weapons have so much overlap that there's a lot of guns that completely dwarf similar guns and make them useless. the amount of customization hits "this is stupid" very quickly. you can attach three or four(somewhere in there) different kinds of effects onto each gun. I will also say that for how many systems they have and how many options are in each of them, all you get in way of a tutorial for most of them is a tiny text box that doesn't even go past one page. and frankly all of that would be something I can put up with, if it weren't for the fact that the combat is boring. there's maybe one or two guns that have beefy sounds and cool effects but even those are done dirty by how enemies don't really stop much when they're shot. I think I got this game for free and boy am I glad I did. I'm still gonna play it through all the way though, it's not bad enough for me to give up on entirely. also I kinda forgot about this cause I turned off voices entirely and skip every cutscene but wang in this one is so annoying it made me do what I just said.
  9. TheDanMarine

    Bad map concepts

    reminds me of an idea I had for a map where you're literally just waiting in a room for like, half an hour, and then the exit opens. I haven't started making it yet because a: I'm in the middle of another project and b: I'm still flip flopping on if it should just be a waiting room or have cool optional stuff in it like in that watch paint dry mod for half life 2
  10. TheDanMarine

    Bad map concepts

    before I opened this thread I was really hoping this would be some kind of idea for a community project where people are given intentionally bad ideas and try to make good maps out of them. I'm of the personal mind that any idea can be done well, it's just that some take more work than others. like city maps. they take more work than most people give them :P that map is like a metal as hell temple run, I had to force myself to stop after the 13th attempt because I knew I'd spend all day trying to beat it if I didn't.
  11. TheDanMarine

    World of Confusion (Demo)

    wocrecordings.zip demo recordings for level 1 and 2 on UV-MAX ^ that first level seems a bit too short to me, even hangar is twice the length. the overall flow of it is great though, my biggest complaint is that there's just not enough of it. second level I have a bit of a tip? complaint? the blood room's biggest problem is that you can cheese it with the door. the only difference between when I got the BFG secret and before is it took me an extra five minutes to chaingun all the cacos from the same "door chokepoint" strategy. it might behoove you to make the player get stuck in that room for a bit, so they can't just run away like I did. (I surprisingly have a link to a relevant article about this exact problem here because it's so prevalent in all of game design) good start though, I have no complaints about texture work or overall layout design. just needs a bit of polish and a bit more difficulty, which you're already working on.
  12. TheDanMarine

    Weird, weird dream about a Doom .wad

    Hdoom(which I'm not linking for obvious reasons), DoomGals, and Stylish Hell are all the monster girl mods I know of.
  13. TheDanMarine

    Why do people make Doom maps?

    I've made a few of my own non-doom games already (that experience is probably why my first map wasn't startan in a bunch of square rooms), but sometimes I want to make stuff without the hassle of putting together my own assets. and when that particular urge strikes, doom is a really good starting base. I also love experimenting with someone else's system for once, like how I used the berserk pack in my second map to force you into fist weapons at a really bad time. if it was my own game, I'd fix that right away, but with doom I can use it to really screw people over and feel no remorse for doing so! hahahaha
  14. TheDanMarine

    Best way to not give up?

    on the topic of getting noticed: either learn more marketing skills (it's an entire world unto itself), or keep making stuff till you get lucky. some things I know about how to get noticed a little more easily: trend-chasing is one way people try to up their chances of being noticed, and it's still so common because it's a 1% chance instead of 0.9% chance. holiday themes are a common one because it's a trend people know is coming every year so it's easy to get attention that way without being left behind. riskier move is to try and predict ahead of time, eg making a sonic themed mod right after a new sonic game or movie is announced and hoping it's good so the hype wave goes on and you can ride it too. regular updates go a long way, when people see the forum thread is 10 pages long it'll be way more likely to get more clicks on it. it also means fresh eyes seeing better and better versions if you update the first post regularly like you should. bonus tip: figure out when this site's most active and save your update posts until you know people will be on. cross promotion can be a good idea if you can work out the particulars, like say you find out someone else is making a sonic mod too and you contact them to ask more and find out they need sprites you already made for your project. getting your name into someone else's credits is helpful for gaining attention (which is one reason that advice about community projects above me is a great idea). also also: try to make sure you stick around in places where questions relevant to whatever you're making might come up. if you're making a "play as freddy kruger" mod and someone's started a forum topic about those movies, not only is there a chance you can bring it up naturally in a normal conversation, you might get valuable intel from the people discussing it. like someone bringing up a scene you completely forgot about that gives you an idea for a new weapon. anyway, I'm no expert, but that's a little bit of the info I've gathered throughout the years. as to your question on not giving up, that's a much trickier question that's dependent on the person. if you're intrinsically motivated (I do it because I want to) you'll be far more resilient by default than someone extrinsically motivated (I do it because I want attention or money or some other external factor).
  15. TheDanMarine

    Just watched the Doom movie and...

    I have just learned about this from you, right now. george romero, the dawn of the dead guy, wanted to make a faithful adaptation of resident evil and was shot down by capcom? for being too similar? ...and then they went with alice in andersonland instead. this is a lot to take in. I genuinely can't fathom what might have been going through the head of the person who shot that down. it's like you're making a small indie movie and morgan freeman comes in and says "can I be in it?" and for some reason you say no. and then instead you hire a local pothead who can barely walk a straight line, let alone act. what the hell, 90's capcom. army of darkness is doomguy goes to heretic: the movie