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About Darkcrafter07

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    A projection of your 2.5D dreams on your 3D pain

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  1. Darkcrafter07

    Latest reliable port

    If you want instant classic doom experience now, crispy doom, the closest, best looking on modern monitors and fastest you can taste it without fiddling around bs settings, renders, drivers, etc. Eternity for specific projects like Heartland, also very reliable and fast. It also loads boom stuff, so it's nice. DSDA-Doom - is like prboom on steroids but still has infintely tall monsters which I hate, fastest of them all though but only supports Boom maps. GZDoom comes last when a WAD like mine was specifically made for it. LZDoom when you need to run GZDoom on an old computer, still needs a graphics card with OpenGL 2 at least (2005 + cards and adapters), install your video drivers. ACE engine when you need GZDoom on DOS but it also doesn't support UDMF unfortunately.
  2. Darkcrafter07


    Nah, if done doomish way, they look good. See how great that Cheelo voxel pack is. The thing I don't like is that they're voxel, they're too resource hungry and they're blocky and you can't upscale their texture if you will. As soon as I'm finished with upscaling regular Doom sprites I'm getting on polygonizing Cheelo efforts. Believe it or not but converting one of Cheelo voxels to a low poly was super simple. I just grabbed a copy of Noesis64, converted the kvx to obj and imported it in 3ds max, merged all vertices within 0,1 range (default) and applied "Relax" modifier to smooth it out, then "Multires" modifier to trim it to 1200 polygons like Quake models had. Then retopology plugin to 8000 quads, then multires again (800 polygons). The only thing I don't know how to do is how to perform texture transfering from a voxel to the polygon model. If anybody know the software to do it please let me know. Oh yeah, I removed gun from the playa1 hands just to see how it is, the most tedious task was closing the holes but it's something quiete normal day in working with such models. Totally possible to be done, thanks to Cheelo efforts again.
  3. Darkcrafter07

    Hell Renaissance (WIP v0.24a)

    v0.24a update, it's pretty minor: * some unused music added to the main game archive, not used mostly, except for interepisode; * brutal doom v21 being replaced with v22 beta 2, also compressed and repacked (4mb more than v21); * launcher update to depict playing options as brutal doom v22 b2
  4. Darkcrafter07

    Doom ESRGAN AI-upscale models

    A new ChaiNNer preset available. The upscaling is based around the 4x_Struzan (pencil drawings) model. Additionaly, a lite-edition mode of TTA mode has been added, the image splits to 4 rotated and flipped versions of itself and processed via neural-networks in order to supress artifacts. Usually this happens by making 8 copies but it's too slow and kills too many details. I decided to stay at 4 as it supresses enough artifacts and preserves some details. The processing also occurs in RGB mode, e.g. 3 separate processing nodes, it slows down the work but makes high contrast colored details handled better. The alpha channel also gets its special treat and upscaled separately with some bit of anti-aliasing that does least rounding (no painting-alike effect) but preserves angles sharp while supressing jaggies.
  5. Darkcrafter07

    ACE Engine v2 - DOS Doom II [vanilla++?]

    Alright, thanks anyway, works really great even this way!
  6. Darkcrafter07

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    That's a bit too extreme but really a good question you raised. 1) Because you want to create something new inside the limitations engine provides; 2) Because you want your game to work on slower machines, maybe even on DOS and 486; 3) Because you don't want to make it overdetailed like modern games are, keep it simpler; A golden middle is what I seek here. They do have an interesting look and you have an option to "skew" your textures too, it comes at more cost to handle though, both for mappers and engines (performance).
  7. Darkcrafter07

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Why is that having a feature that GZDoom has making it GZDoom too? Is Duke Nukem 3D and Eternity engine are GZDoom? The point is practicality, ease of editing and performance, you don't have to wank over millions of such microsectors in order to imitate a damn slope.
  8. Darkcrafter07

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Why wouldn't devs add slope support? Duke 3D did them fine and even worked faster than Doom, well ACE engine also runs faster than Vanilla.
  9. Darkcrafter07

    Hell Renaissance (WIP v0.24a)

    v0.24 has been uploaded, key changes: * integration of 3rd party mods like Smooth Doom, Brutal Doom, Project Brutality 3.0 - - all thanks to new compression techniques, the process is described and compression tools provided in an encrypted file with a password supplied, if needed (PNGQuant). PNGOut by Ken Silverman is not included due to the licensing limitations. All sounds were converte to OGG ABR 48kbps, all 48,44kHz ones resampled to 32kHz and also converted OGG. * integration of my carefully upscaled and redrawn onscreen animations of guns for Vanilla and Smooth Doom; * a custom *.bat file launcher that allows choosing 12 options to play the mapset.
  10. Darkcrafter07

    Thirty Years with Doom [RC2]

    Layouts are interesting but combat is an absolute meh, fight cacodemons, monster closets full of shotgunners with a pistol and 20% hp. Maybe it's made for Brutal Doom?
  11. Darkcrafter07

    ACE Engine v2 - DOS Doom II [vanilla++?]

    Thank you, I didn't think about it! Btw, do you have any plans on adding UDMF support though? Added: I think GZDoom's software renderer supports sloped terrain, well, 3D models in the near sight too, maybe that helps. What GZDoom doesn't support is sloped 3D-floors in software mode, a workaround for this could be rendering them as 3D-models.
  12. Darkcrafter07


    You know, I was playing with Quake models and stretched zombieman on the soldier model in photoshop, then hooked up Noesis64 to see what it looks like...
  13. Darkcrafter07

    ACE Engine v2 - DOS Doom II [vanilla++?]

    It's visplane overflow issue being the #1 then it's a fact ACE doesn't support UDMF? I have not figured a way to load GZDoom UDMF maps into ACE yet and with it I can assign multiple tags over a sector and there's no support for sloped terrain unfortunately. https://imgur.com/a/JzXBgx8 Btw, could you please provide a complete ACE cfg file that can be put in a WAD so noobs like me could use it easier instead of reading the manual?
  14. Darkcrafter07

    Hell Renaissance (WIP v0.24a)

    I updated Hell Renaissance to v0.23a and even had to reupload it a few times in a row fixing some bugs: - fog sprites now are based on the low-res and then enlarged in a map editor to a desired value, hi-res are still provided for sure; - metallic fence on map 16 was not being rendered from the back side now fixed; - some new music presented and more planned to be added; - an alternative tall tech pillar model presented; - doors on map08 are now of standard size; - doors now retrigger most of the time; - finally, a wadinfo txt file added; So far, it's getting clearer to me on how I'd like to work on Map17 further.
  15. Darkcrafter07

    Helion - C# ( 1/1/23 - Goodbye BSP tree rendering)

    @hobomaster22, barrels work well now, really good job! The chainsaw deals damage nicely too but it still doesn't pull you to the monsters, instead, some monsters like imps start to get pushed back as soon as you saw them. Seems like it works in the opposite direction?