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About nerdybunny

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  1. nerdybunny

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    RIP Delinquent May 5, 1994 - October 31, 2023 We hardly knew ye.
  2. nerdybunny

    Glitnir crash when loading custom stuff with include

    Update: Ok so an engine crash is happening even after I moved it back to EDFROOT and tried changing from a dev build to stable.
  3. I have an Eternity project with this EDFROOT: setdialect("ALFHEIM") stdinclude("root.edf") // Weapons include("edf/shotgun.edf") The actual shotgun.edf file is this: weapondelta { name Shotgun states = @" Ready: FLSG A 1 A_WeaponReady loop Deselect: FLSG A 1 A_Lower loop Select: FLSG A 1 A_Raise loop Fire: FLSG A 3 FLSG B 7 A_FireShotgun FLSG A 2 FLSG CDEFGHIJKLMNO 2 FLSG A 3 A_ReFire goto Ready Flash: FLF A 4 Bright A_Light1 goto LightDone "@ This shotgun was working fine when it was just slapped into edfroot, but when I put it in its own file and referenced it with an include, it created an engine error (attached on this post.) I tried changing the dialect to GLITNIR but then EE just complained that the dialect didn't exist. Did I do something wrong? crash.zip
  4. nerdybunny

    What do you call Doomguy?

    I always liked the idea that Doomguy/the player character is supposed to be you. It's "You have entered deeply into the heart of the infested starport," not "Doomguy has entered deeply into the heart of the infested starport." It's the interpretation that makes the most sense. They wanted Doom to be immersive, so they made the main character you and put you in the "driver's seat" (first person view.) Of course, there is an issue if you aren't actually a guy, but I digress.
  5. nerdybunny

    What do you think is Doomguy's favorite wad is?

    Which is why the real answer is Chex Quest.
  6. nerdybunny

    Texture alignment in editor is different than in-game

    Thanks. Commenting out the flag didn't work but just grabbing the latest Eternity build did.
  7. I'm making a UDMF map for Eternity, and there's this bit right here: However, in-game (pictured above) it looks like this, and I'm not actually sure what could be causing it. I'm using Eternity Engine Forseti and Ultimate Doom Builder R4096. I've tried fiddling with the offset and flagging upper/lower unpegged but nothing seems to change it.
  8. nerdybunny

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    There is a finished copy of Mordeth Episode 2 in Area 51.
  9. Damn, why haven't I been using this before? That works perfectly. Thank you.
  10. I'm making a wad with a custom texture pack, and currently I'm just using the regular format for custom textures (PP_START and FF_START and END) like so: The issue with this is obviously that it makes the resources list take forever to scroll through and it's a little cluttered for my liking. Does Eternity have a better system for usage of custom textures? I looked online and in some Eternity TCs but I wasn't really able to find anything conclusive.
  11. nerdybunny

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    >plays on default compat in gzdoom >uses brutal doom >leaves particle effects and decals on Delinquent is every Doom video by a non-Doom YouTube channel I've seen, ever. Points for not leaving bilinear filtering on, though. Real talk; enjoyable video. Obviously not meant to be a 100% serious thing but it's interesting getting to see insight on Doom from someone who's not a big follower on it.
  12. nerdybunny

    How to delete keybinds?

    Thanks. For any people from the future; if you're still having trouble with the mouse moving you, turn off 'vanilla sensitivity.'
  13. nerdybunny

    How to delete keybinds?

    By default the 'move forward' key has mouse3 as an option. How do I unbind mouse3 from the move forward action?
  14. nerdybunny

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    Something I would really like to see mtpain do is re-upload some of his older videos with footage that is either re-recorded or re-edited so that the footage isn't resampled. I still like those older review videos but the ugly resampling filter gives me nausea and makes episodes 1 through 7 or so pretty much unwatchable.
  15. nerdybunny

    How do I make combat in my maps more engaging?

    Solid advice in this thread. Thanks everyone. Didn't mean to start a discussion but here we are! :P