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HUD suggestion

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Hello! I'm a huge fan of Eternity Engine's 'modern' HUD. It's highly readable and unobstructive, and looks wonderful to boot.


But unless I've missed an option somewhere, there's no way to view the ammo counts of weapons not currently equipped like with the vanilla status bar. For me this ends up impacting gameplay quite a bit, as I'm not great at tracking ammo pickups in the back of my mind.


My suggestion would be to add an option to replace the kills/items/secrets bit of HUD with a similar bit displaying bullets/shells/rockets/cells, or better yet, make it configurable which HUD element appears in which corner like with the 'distributed' HUD.


Apologies if this isn't the place to make suggestions, and I know what I'm asking for isn't an immediate fix, but I really do love the modern HUD and would like to use it more often, so I hope you consider adding this option at some point down the road. Thank you to the devs for all the work you're already doing, EE has become my favorite SP over the last couple years :)



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