NinjaDelphox Posted October 15, 2022 So I've been trying on and off for the last couple of days to figure out why this code won't work. The NewArchVile, BaronOfFilth, Ashtar, and Player won't play the defined attacking SFX. (But the newly added VenemousCaco does and I don't understand why it works and the others don't) I'm also having trouble getting the BossBrain thing to not go to an imp frame and then move onto a player, it works perfectly fine in ZDoom ports, but doesn't here. Code: Spoiler stdinclude("root.edf") setdialect("ALFHEIM") thingtype DoomBloodBlue : DoomBlood { translation REDBLUE } thingtype DoomBloodGreen : DoomBlood { translation REDGREEN } thingtype DoomBloodPurple : DoomBlood { translation REDPURPL } thingdelta { name DoomImp bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingdelta { name Demon bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingdelta { name LostSoul bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingdelta { name PainElemental bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingdelta { name Arachnotron bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingdelta { name SpiderDemon bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingdelta { name BaronOfHell bloodcolor 6 // purple bloodtype.normal DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.impact DoomBloodPurple DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.crush DoomBloodPurple } thingdelta { name Cacodemon bloodcolor 3 // blue bloodtype.normal DoomBloodBlue bloodtype.impact DoomBloodBlue DoomBloodBlue bloodtype.crush DoomBloodBlue } thingdelta { name HellKnight bloodcolor 6 // purple bloodtype.normal DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.impact DoomBloodPurple DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.crush DoomBloodPurple } thingdelta { name VenemousCaco bloodcolor 6 // purple bloodtype.normal DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.impact DoomBloodPurple DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.crush DoomBloodPurple } thingdelta { name BaronOfFilth bloodcolor 6 // purple bloodtype.normal DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.impact DoomBloodPurple DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.crush DoomBloodPurple } thingdelta { name Ashtar bloodcolor 6 // purple bloodtype.normal DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.impact DoomBloodPurple DoomBloodPurple bloodtype.crush DoomBloodPurple } thingdelta { name BossBrain bloodcolor 2 // green bloodtype.normal DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.impact DoomBloodGreen DoomBloodGreen bloodtype.crush DoomBloodGreen } thingtype NewArchvile : Archvile { States @" Spawn: SP00 AB 10 A_Look Loop See: SP00 AABBCCDDEEFF 2 A_VileChase Loop Missile: SP00 G 1 Bright SP00 G 10 Bright A_FaceTarget SP00 H 8 Bright A_VileTarget SP00 IJKLMN 8 Bright A_FaceTarget SP00 O 8 Bright A_VileAttack SP00 P 20 Bright Goto See Heal: Vile "[\]" 10 Bright Goto See Pain: SP00 Q 5 SP00 Q 5 A_Pain Goto See Death: SP00 Q 7 SP00 R 7 A_Scream SP00 S 7 A_NoBlocking SP00 TUVWXY 7 SP00 Z -1 A_BossDeath Stop "@ } thingtype VenemousCaco : CommanderKeen { doomednum 84 dehackednum 25 spawnhealth 500 seesound sssit painchance 128 painsound popain deathsound ssdth speed 15 radius 31.0 height 56.0 activesound bgact cflags SOLID|SHOOTABLE|COUNTKILL|FOOTCLIP|SPACMONSTER|PASSMOBJ|INFLOAT|NOGRAVITY|FLOAT obituary_normal "was burnt by a venemous cacodemon" obituary_melee "was bitten by a venemous cacodemon" States @" Spawn: SSWV A 10 A_Look Loop See: SSWV A 3 Fast A_Chase Loop Missile: SSWV BC 4 Fast A_FaceTarget SSWV D 4 Bright Fast A_BruisAttack SSWV C 6 Fast A_FaceTarget SSWV D 4 Bright Fast A_FatAttack3 SSWV C 4 Fast A_FaceTarget Goto See Pain: SSWV E 4 Fast SSWV E 4 Fast A_Pain Goto See Death: SSWV G 8 SSWV H 8 A_Scream SSWV IJ 8 SSWV K 8 A_NoBlocking SSWV L -1 A_SetFloorClip Stop Raise: SSWV L 8 A_UnSetFloorClip SSWV KJIHG 8 Goto See "@ } Thingtype BossBrain { doomednum 88 dehackednum 26 spawnhealth 2000 seesound bossit painchance 256 painsound bosspn deathsound bosdth speed 0 radius 32.0 height 96.0 mass 10000000 cflags SOLID|SHOOTABLE|COUNTKILL|FOOTCLIP|SPACMONSTER|PASSMOBJ|JUSTHIT|BOSS obituary_normal "was immolated by the parasite" States @" Spawn: BBRN A 1 Bright A_Look Loop See: BBRN A 400 Bright A_BrainAwake BBRN A 1 Bright A_Chase Goto See+1 Melee: BBRN A 1 Bright Goto See+1 Missile: BBRN A 1 Bright Goto See+1 Pain: BBRN B 1 Bright A_BrainPain BBRN B 15 Bright A_VileStart BBRN B 1 Bright A_SetInvulnerable BBRN B 64 Bright A_VileTarget BBRN B 8 Bright A_VileAttack BBRN B 1 Bright A_UnSetInvulnerable Goto See+1 Death: BBRN C 5 Bright A_PlaySoundEx ("dsbosdth", Auto, False, 1) BBRN D 5 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 1.0, 0.4) BBRN E 5 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 2.0, 0.4) BBRN F 5 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 3.0, 0.4) BBRN G 5 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 4.0, 0.4) BBRN H 5 Bright A_BossDeath Stop "@ } Thingtype BaronOfFilth : DeadLostSoul { doomednum 23 dehackednum 116 spawnhealth 700 seesound fre009 painchance 120 painsound popain deathsound fre004 speed 15 radius 24.0 height 64.0 activesound bgact cflags SOLID|SHOOTABLE|COUNTKILL|FOOTCLIP|SPACMONSTER|PASSMOBJ obituary_normal "was incinerated by a baron of filth" obituary_melee "was clawed by a baron of filth" States @" Spawn: BOSS PQ 10 A_Look Loop See: BOSS PPQQRRSS 3 Fast A_Chase Loop Melee: BOSS TU 8 Fast A_FaceTarget BOSS V 10 Fast A_SkullAttack Goto Melee+1 Missile: BOSS TU 8 Fast A_FaceTarget BOSS V 4 Fast A_BruisAttack BOSS U 8 Fast A_FaceTarget BOSS V 4 Fast A_BruisAttack Goto See Pain: BOSS W 2 Fast BOSS W 2 Fast A_Pain Goto Melee+1 Death: BOSS X 8 BOSS Y 8 A_Scream BOSS Z 8 BOSS [ 8 A_NoBlocking BOSS \ 8 KEEN N -1 A_BossDeath Stop Raise: KEEN N 8 BOSS \ 8 BOSS [ 8 BOSS ZYX 8 Goto See "@ } Thingtype Ashtar { doomednum 9999 dehackednum 246 spawnhealth 15000 seesound fre011 deathsound fre012 speed 40 radius 96.0 height 96.0 activesound fre013 cflags SOLID|SHOOTABLE|COUNTKILL|FOOTCLIP|SPACMONSTER|PASSMOBJ|TRANSLUCENT|BOSS obituary_normal "was destroyed by ashtar" States @" Spawn: SP69 AB 4 Bright A_Look Loop See: SP69 AB 4 Bright A_Chase Loop Missile: SP69 C 4 Bright A_FaceTarget SP69 D 12 Bright A_CyberAttack SP69 C 8 Bright A_FaceTarget SP69 D 12 Bright A_CyberAttack SP69 B 4 Bright A_Chase Goto See Death: SP69 E 10 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 1.0, 0.4) SP69 F 10 Bright A_PlaySoundEx ("dsfre012", Auto, False, 1) SP69 G 10 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 2.0, 0.4) SP69 H 10 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 3.0, 0.4) SP69 I 10 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 4.0, 0.4) SP69 J 10 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 3.0, 0.4) SP69 K 10 Bright A_Mushroom ("FatShot", 0, MSF_Classic, 2.0, 0.4) SP69 L 10 Bright Stop "@ } castorder = { zombieman, sergeant, chaingunner, doomimp, Demon, lostsoul, cacodemon, hellknight, baronofhell, arachnotron, painelemental, revenant, mancubus, newarchvile, venemouscaco, baronoffilth, spiderdemon, cyberdemon, ashtar, bossbrain, player } castinfo zombieman { type = Zombieman name = "The Possessed" sound { frame = S_POSS_ATK2; sfx = pistol } } castinfo sergeant { type = Sergeant name = "The Wicked" sound { frame = S_SPOS_ATK2; sfx = shotgn } } castinfo chaingunner { type = Chaingunner name = "The Unholy" sound { frame = S_CPOS_ATK2; sfx = shotgn } sound { frame = S_CPOS_ATK3; sfx = shotgn } sound { frame = S_CPOS_ATK4; sfx = shotgn } } castinfo doomimp { type = DoomImp name = "Gremlin" sound { frame = S_TROO_ATK3; sfx = claw } } castinfo demon { type = Demon name = "Devil" sound { frame = S_SARG_ATK2; sfx = sgtatk } } castinfo lostsoul { type = LostSoul name = "Haze" sound { frame = S_SKULL_ATK2; sfx = sklatk } } castinfo cacodemon { type = Cacodemon name = "Cacodemon" sound { frame = S_HEAD_ATK2; sfx = firsht } } castinfo hellknight { type = HellKnight name = "Nobleman of Hell" sound { frame = S_BOS2_ATK2; sfx = firsht } } castinfo baronofhell { type = BaronOfHell name = "Lord of Hell" sound { frame = S_BOSS_ATK2; sfx = firsht } } castinfo arachnotron { type = Arachnotron name = "Spider Unit" sound { frame = S_BSPI_ATK2; sfx = plasma } } castinfo painelemental { type = PainElemental name = "Toxin Elemental" sound { frame = S_PAIN_ATK3; sfx = sklatk } } castinfo revenant { type = Revenant name = "The Resurrected" sound { frame = S_SKEL_FIST2; sfx = skeswg } sound { frame = S_SKEL_FIST4; sfx = skepch } sound { frame = S_SKEL_MISS2; sfx = skeatk } } castinfo mancubus { type = Mancubus name = "Mammoth" sound { frame = S_FATT_ATK2; sfx = firsht } sound { frame = S_FATT_ATK5; sfx = firsht } sound { frame = S_FATT_ATK8; sfx = firsht } } castinfo newarchvile { type = NewArchvile name = "Devil Forge Master" sound { frame = S_SP00_ATK2; sfx = vilatk } } castinfo venemouscaco { type = VenemousCaco name = "Venemous Cacodemon" sound { frame = S_SSWV_ATK2; sfx = firsht } sound { frame = S_SSWV_ATK4; sfx = firsht } } castinfo baronoffilth { type = BaronOfFilth name = "Baron of Filth" sound { frame = S_BOSS_ATK2; sfx = firsht } sound { frame = S_BOSS_ATK4; sfx = firsht } } castinfo spiderdemon { type = Spiderdemon name = "Encephalon" sound { frame = S_SPID_ATK2; sfx = shotgn } sound { frame = S_SPID_ATK3; sfx = shotgn } } castinfo cyberdemon { type = Cyberdemon name = "Proto Behemoth" sound { frame = S_CYBER_ATK2; sfx = rlaunc } sound { frame = S_CYBER_ATK4; sfx = rlaunc } sound { frame = S_CYBER_ATK6; sfx = rlaunc } } castinfo ashtar { type = Ashtar name = "Ashtar" sound { frame = S_SP69_ATK2; sfx = rlaunc } sound { frame = S_SP69_ATK4; sfx = rlaunc } } castinfo bossbrain { type = BossBrain name = "The Parasite" } castinfo player { type = DoomPlayer name = "Juan Soto" stopattack = true sound { frame = S_PLAY_ATK1; sfx = dshtgn } } Thanks for any help 0 Share this post Link to post
Altazimuth Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) Can't say off-hand. If the frame you referenced is present and the sound plays appropriately normally (so is a normal sound that works and not an ogg or whatever) I don't see why it wouldn't work. Without the ability to look into this example proper I don't know if I can really help further. Honestly the old cast call system doesn't feel too fit-for-purpose these days in a world where you don't have to define a bunch of EDF frames. Might be a good idea to make it where you can do a "frames" thing and it'll attach some new frames or something, though I don't wanna marry myself to any such ideas. I guess in a pinch you could do loose frame blocks just for this stuff. Edited October 20, 2022 by Altazimuth 0 Share this post Link to post
NinjaDelphox Posted October 20, 2022 All the defined sounds used are the regular Doom II sounds with no replacements, so I'm fairly certain there's no issue there with sounds (The Venemous Caco monster correctly plays its attacking sounds, which is the same as what the Baron of Filth uses so I'm really not sure what is wrong there) The code for the player is literally exactly the same as the example on the wiki minus the name being there, so I just don't know what is going on there lol. Would it help if I DM'd you the resources for this and took a look at it? 0 Share this post Link to post
NinjaDelphox Posted November 3, 2022 And now a new issue pops up with only eternity, for some reason it absolutely refuses to read a newly defined string for STSTR_KFAADDED, which is in both a dehacked and eternity's own estrings/edf, can't figure out why it ignores only that string, any ideas? Code is just a simple strings definition in the edf file: string STSTR_KFAADDED { val = "Please work already" bexsource = "STSTR_KFAADDED" } 0 Share this post Link to post