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About Bredd

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  1. Bredd

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone map01 Pacifist in 15.49 xch01p1549.zip
  2. Bredd

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    12 Lines of Christmas Map01 UV-Max in 16.91 12lxmas01m1691.zip UV-Speed d2all in 1:01 12lxmasall-101.zip Xmaschill Map01 Pacifist in 15.80 xch01p1580.zip
  3. Bredd

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    War on Xmas 2 map05 UV-Max in 1:56 wxm205m156.zip
  4. Glidancer map01 UV-Speed in 1:28 glid01-128.zip
  5. 4kvo map13 UV-Max in 2:39 4kvo13m239.zip
  6. 4kvo map08 nomo in 54.11 4kvo08o5411.zip
  7. 4kvo map08 UV-Max in 1:17 4kvo08m117.zip Kvo, that last south glide is a pain in the ass for a south, isn't it?
  8. 4kvo map10 UV-Speed in 1:58 4kvo10-158.zip
  9. btnx map15 UV-Max in 4:58 btnx15m458.zip I never want to play this again. I promise it is the last one this month for real this time
  10. Bredd

    Italo-Doom demos [complevel -9]

    Map20 NM-Speed in 55.77 it20n5577.zip
  11. Bredd

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    War on Xmas 2 Map12 Stroller in 26.69 wxm212str2669.zip - that's right, another single tic beat on this map Map21 NM Speed in 5.80 wxm221n580.zip
  12. Bredd

    Winter/Xmas Demos Month II

    War on Xmas 2 Map01 UV-Speed in 24.37 wxm201-2437.zip Map05 UV-Max in 2:08 wxm205m208.zip
  13. Bredd

    Capybara demos [-complevel 9]

    Map19 Pacifist in 4:56 capy19p456.zip That linedef skip at the end was annoying. Could save a little bit more time if you make the north glide behind the shotgunners rather than waiting a few more seconds for the bars to raise
  14. Bredd

    Italo-Doom demos [complevel -9]

    Map20 UV-Max in 3:46 it20m346.zip