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Failed demo attempts

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I think I like this thread. I would normally keep this demo to myself but I decided to make a contribution to this thread, and you can see my attempt at a new nightmare demo.


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Because this exists, I might as well post one of my demos,
a failed Memento Mori Map 19 UV Tyson.
Edit 1/28/10: Decided to update my progress. Furthest today was just 9 enemies from the exit before I succumbed to a cacodemon's fireball.


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Revved said:

If only I knew how to get past those 2 mancubi...

You can go down into one of two side rooms near the water (I mean sectors 223 and 224), kill a few wimps there (I suggest conserving health for this maneuver), and then shoot both mancubi safely through the window. This spot is comfortable both for aiming at your foes and hiding from their shots.

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NoobBait said:

Decided to do a tyson-run of The Suburbs and was surprised by this odd occurrence in my second attempt (Two odd occurrences if you count the revenant getting stuck in the blue key door). Recorded in prboom-plus complevel-2.

Haha, the old "resurrected through a wall" thing! "It is a good death", as the klingons might say.

I once had a demo where a chaingunner started off one side of a small window, and through successive deaths and resurrections, ended up walking around in the other side of the wall. It was while working on H2H-Xmas (it happens about 2:45 into the demo). Attached, together with a bug demo on the same map.


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I usually don't keep any failed attempts, but this one was not deleted for some reason. It's a NM attempt in Icarus MAP16. I wasn't far from the exit, but you have to return to starting area again, and then it's a real mess. I reached this spot several times but all of them ended just after entering the area or while trying to enter it.

Maybe I should try it again some time, or I'd be happy to see it done by someone else.


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While working out a route for a Nightmare run for E3M8 on INF-LUTZ I had a curious fail: the big Spider died and collapsed and I followed a second later. A second too early, as it turned out. ;)

edit: added another aborted run on the same level. This one would have been a UV Speed, but I managed to get stuck three quarters of the way through. Apparently a linedef failed to trigger thanks to me running too fast. Damn speedrunning ... :D


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I'm going to take a loooooong break after this (not counting keeping an eye on inf-lutz stuff)

MM2, MAP29 Tyson. Over 46 minutes, 2 monsters short of success.


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Failed ddvu E2M1 Pacifist run. I was incredibly lucky here: did the first room in "Reality!" style and even succeeded in insane yellow key grab. But the switch near two imps is just impossible. If I hadn't forgotten about them, I wouldn't even try to record this demo.

Btw, this wad deserves some demos. Why there is none?


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I'd like to make another contribution to this thread with a couple of failed attempts for rn14. I'm getting pretty good at the first half, but I think I seriously need to practice the second half. I'm losing way too much health in the marble rooms.


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Hell Revealed level 5 NM100S in 3:43. I reached the exit successfully, but still I consider it a failed run, because the demo is way too slow and shaky for my taste, which is typical for my first exits. So hopefully it's valid for this thread :-)

My second exit is incomparably better -- I posted it in the Hell Revealed thread.


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Here's my fastest, but failed UV30 attempt. Fastest episode 1 and fastest time to the start of the level 24, where I die. Little different tactics than I used in the actual uv30 run.
(I know this is not ep1 record even it's fastest)

Demo name's number 190 means it was 190th demo where I made it past the ep1. Total of 408 failed demos past the EP1 plus some legacy attempts.


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Hi SAV88, your hr05 demo is not bad. It is clearly beatable, but the strategies you used are considerably more ballsy than the one that I used to get an exit.

I have one more attempt for rn14 to add to this thread. I hit both
switches and was killed on the way down the stairs.


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Paska said:

(I know this is not ep1 record even it's fastest)

Demo name's number 190 means it was 190th demo where I made it past the ep1. Total of 408 failed demos past the EP1 plus some legacy attempts.

What's the record then? I can't find anything faster on DSDA, probably Compet-n mirror there isn't complete.

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tempun said:

What's the record then? I can't find anything faster on DSDA, probably Compet-n mirror there isn't complete.

Check my full UV run ;) 6:00

As far as I know, if the run is failed, it is not qualified as a episode record. It must be succeeded full UV run or just EP1.

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I fully respect your decision and look forward to your ep1 run, but generally you're wrong. Take a look here, especially Grazza's reply on 2/20/05

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Cool... I always thought that if demo is edited in ANY way or the run is failed it is not considered as a compet-n. I thought that was the thing about "This is a Demo Archive of the Non Gods entry".

So if my demo is a valid compet-n, I don't consider it as a failed anymore and it's ok for me that it's @ DSDA. I'm not gonna cut it (and I don't know how to), but maybe I should make a better .txt.

(I'm not currently working on EP1 demo, but I will probably make one, can't promise).

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Now here's something interesting:
A failed 30rqmax demo I had from November.
From the beginning to when I die on Map 17,
the total length is 2:14:06.


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This is probably my best failed attempt on CC29, recorded over two months ago. I've since lost all interest in playing this level, as it just requires a mindset that I just don't have. I'm too much of a perfectionist to let go of mistakes, and it's nearly impossible to not make a mistake in such a long map. Hopefully, in the future, some brilliant young Doomer (or a Doomgod of old) can take a look at this map, and record a proper Max.

Just for posterity's sake: through saves, I achieved a ~43 minute time, so my target time was around 45 minutes. I'll eat my proverbial hat :D if someone can max this level in that time.

I suppose if there's any consolation, Tatsurd's best attempt ended almost exactly where I ended this demo.


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