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About Andromeda

  • Rank
    Eternal Doom > Doom Eternal

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  1. I'm fairly certain kdoom and @kgsws are different people.
  2. Andromeda

    Hell Revealed - WAD REVIEW PART I

    Both of those levels have enough ammo to kill all the enemies and that is the case throughout Hell Revealed, as proven by the UV Max speedruns on DSDA. (reminds me that MAP29 time is in dire need of improvement.)
  3. Category: 2 Dead on: MAP06 Kills: 50/86 Time on MAP05 exit: 40:56 Escape route was locked, revenant + self-rocket put me at 2% health then a long range sargeant finished me off. im_andromeda_rwdyrudy.zip
  4. There's also this plugin, but you have to compile it yourself.
  5. Andromeda

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Maybe No End in Sight? That level description reminds me of its E3M6.
  6. Andromeda

    Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

    That was quick.
  7. Andromeda

    IronEagle Competition 61: Grim Ripper

    Category: 1 Difficulty: HNTR Survived in 2:30:25 (no restart) Fun wad, relatively mild but with some spicy traps sprinkled in for good measure. ie_andromeda_grimripp.zip
  8. An alternative is to put a COMPLVL lump inside the wad, so that source ports supporting it can set the correct compatibility automatically without the need to use the -complevel parameter.
  9. Andromeda

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tul6outq4kazp4qxtwkh4/ultdoom2-dv3.2.wad?rlkey=v4mai47m85pefd530obybg0ak&dl=1
  10. Andromeda

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Try this: https://forum.zdoom.org/download/file.php?id=5192
  11. Andromeda

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    The HUDs link is dead, you can get the resource wad by downloading the attachment there.
  12. Andromeda

    NM-Lite Contest: Scythe

    Negative skipsec doesn't work in DSDA-Doom, unfortunately.
  13. I believe the issue is actually that the Romero head is placed facing the wrong way, so the explosion occurs in the void and not where it should.
  14. Andromeda

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Page 3 of that thread has working links.
  15. Andromeda

    Who likes a good snooze?

    Snooze buttons work for me because despite being blessed to be able to get a good night's rest I lack the motivation to get out of bed as soon as the alarm rings on work days. Snoozing lets me light sleep a bit more and when the alarm rings again I know I have to get out of bed or else I'm fucked - simply setting the alarm later would not give that sense of urgency for me (believe me, I've tried).