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Dem-O-Matic | Easy demo recording batch script.

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I’ve created a single batch file that automates the process of demo recording, segmenting and viddumping all into a friendly UI.


  1. Place the batch file found in the downloaded zip folder into Dsda’s root folder, where “dsda-doom.exe” is stored.
  2. Run the batch to start recording a demo. To use custom wads, drag the PWAD on top of the batch file.
  3. Done. Hopefully the batch file itself guides you smoothly through the rest of the process.  




After a demo is recorded, Dem-O-Matic places everything outputted into sorted sub-folders by demoname. Those sub-folders are found in a "demos" folder aside Dsda-Doom.

Attempting to input an existing demo at the demoname prompt will allow you to segment from that existing demo. 
When viddumping, Dem-O-Matic uses a separate Dsda config called "viddump.cfg". It's found aside Dsda's config and it's only purpose is to toggle a set of curated options specifically for viddumping.

An extra feature I've added since release would be multiple ghost support. I've set a cap of 4 ghosts for the reason that I think it’d be too cluttered otherwise, and also I don't currently know of a way to dynamically add more.

In order for viddumping to function, Dem-O-Matic (and dsda doom) needs an executable of ffmpeg aside it. Dem-O-Matic will refuse to viddump without this.


Edited by Matacrat

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13 minutes ago, Andrea Rovenski said:

What exactly is this? A Viddumping thing or an automatic tassing tool? I don't really understand.

It's both of those.

It uses menus to go down the list of parameters to set, then it launches them all in a long command.



If it reconizes an existing demo it'll prompt you with an option to record from there.





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Updated: Dem-O-Matic now features demo playback support by loading a demo file instead of a wad.
It also has Colors!



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