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DOOM 4 (Hell on Earth) Concept Art Findings

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Interesting fact: you can find the escape pod model from the concept I uploaded above in the first single-player level of DOOM (2016)

More concept art uploads:

Doom 4 Character Study. This is a prototype concept for the looks of the main characters and the resistance.



Possessed Humans



Creature concepts study



New York Hell design studies


Kenneth Scott's DOOM4 logo concept


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Oh WOW. I’ve never seen those demon sketches before and I was admiring how much they remind me of Wayne Barlow’s work…You can probably imagine how I felt when I realized who they were signed by!

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On 4/13/2022 at 12:37 PM, IrOn7HuB said:

Interesting fact: you can find the escape pod model from the concept I uploaded above in the first single-player level of DOOM (2016)


Here it is:




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The spaceship and the pods look cool.

And so do those vehicles and Earthly locations.

Though the concept for the player character does suffer for being a bit too "realistic military shooter"-esque and not so Doom-like

And there's something quite silly to me about the "smart car".


But some of the demons look interesting and to think they got THE Wayne Barlowe to design some of them.

Maybe the problem would be how you expect these demons to be animated or function in gameplay.

I can see that but still.


But yeah, like with a lot of cut content in the series, you feel like some of this could deserve a second chance or used in some way.

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On 4/13/2022 at 7:37 PM, IrOn7HuB said:

Interesting fact: you can find the escape pod model from the concept I uploaded above in the first single-player level of DOOM (2016)

More concept art uploads:

Doom 4 Character Study. This is a prototype concept for the looks of the main characters and the resistance.



Possessed Humans



Creature concepts study



New York Hell design studies


Kenneth Scott's DOOM4 logo concept



You can instantly recognize Barlowe's hand, his monster shapes are so iconic.

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I always thought Barlowe would have been a great source of inspiration for Doom.

Probably because Doom in itself is a mix of ideas, so seeing monsters having weirdly unique anatomies or shapes, while also adhering to Doom's  Hell's visual mixture would be cool.

Same for locations even.


I think the most that Doom made me think of him were the concepts for the archdemons in the Eternal art book.

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Definitely a different direction than what we have. Looks like this version would only have subtle nods to the original Doom franchise.


Interesting concept art. I do like it but wouldn't choose it for a Doom game.


In saying that, I've always had a thing for John Carpenter's The Thing designs and this Doom game had various demons with some similar designs, essentially a mangled pile of sentient gore morphed into a living nightmare.

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Maybe the one objection to make over Barlowe's designs is how they're supposed to be the Pinky and Hellhounds, when they seem "bigger" and have more in common with the Guardian of Hell in 3.

Pinky and Hellhound make you think of the iconic pink demon and something dog related. even 3's Pinky was still like that.

Barlowe's designs would fit more for bigger monsters in general instead of something you expect to be a pink bull-like beast that eats lead and some undead dog that you use a funny dog collar to make a gun out of, in a turn based phone spin-off.

They look like they could be big enough to transport other enemies. even Eternal had concept art of Titans carrying buildings where instead you had like 4 legged monsters carrying the Hellpriests location and they looked like boats. (the Hell barges in Hell on Earth)

In general, those Barlowe designs could coexist with Eternal art book's royal archdemons as if there's this "abstract" layer of Hell full of weird indescribable  creatures and settings.

Because i usually talk about how expandable classic Doom hell can be with its variety of assets and all, but with the Barlowe designs, archdemons, even Ingmore's Sanctum and all, there's something about these "weirder" designs that could have a different "vibe". (unless that's something left for Quake)


I can also imagine of weird archdemon-like creature riding a weird Barlowe-esque beast and behaving like an extension to D'Sparil riding a serpant in Heretic.

Like a boss fight that can be one or two characters either together or seperate, maybe.

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Is this John Connor fighting hellspawn in Rage?

If that's all that we got in a finished product, I would have been sold. Rage wasn't perfect, but it was heck of fun, and a more fleshed out project that used it as a framework would have been amazing, especially with Doom as a setting. I don't like the idea of playing with a grizzled Connor type as much as Doomguy, but they could have really leaned in the Doom 3 direction and emphasize his human limitations, and it would have been a great sendoff for the D3 timeline, and you could still launch 2016 and it would have worked.


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Incredible stuff!!) Hi-tech and environments are awesome. But for me the best part of cancelled Doom 4 still remains objects turned into a skeletal-fleshy entity due to hell exposure)

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I might be crazy, but some of those concepts could look awesome in a Quake world.

I mean like the space station or the "apartment stank" concept art, they could look perfect for Quake too with some edits.

Of course, you should remove the demons and put the Stroggs.

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With that point, i feel like they could fit both series.

I always thought the Night Sentinel would be more at home in Quake.

But i can see the spaceship being compared to something out of Quake 4.

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noclip will release new material  of the game maybe footages too, i hope that we will be shown the gameplay in all its glory and at least one level from start to finish.


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5 hours ago, CoolerDoomeR said:

А есть фотки оружия в отменённом doom 4???

 Here but not all






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On 5/12/2022 at 10:56 PM, Wad overdose said:

 Here but not all







At the first Glance, this looks like the Pistol from Doom 3.
But the handle is different. I think it is the "chubby" Design :D



Btw. The Earth Resistence Story could be a good Spin Off, where it shows the Fight of Humanity before the Coming of the Doom Slayer in Eternal.

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I guess the resistance could still exist in the modern lore, but i also assume most of it was thought out in a "gritty, even if too COD-like" direction and it wasn't even part of Doom 3's actual canon.

I also wonder about what designs to use for Earth soldiers and besides Eternal's ARC plasma guys, i always thought the D3 security look could fit Earth soldiers due to the exposed arms and mouth.

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On 5/13/2022 at 8:56 AM, Wad overdose said:






Probably someone already pointed it out, but i have strong suspicion this rifle was used in D:E. Changed, yes, but shape is recognsible.artwork.doom-eternal.3840x2160.2020-09-15_110.jpg.1822d7512189c15e0775314251d07567.jpgOr i just mistaking it.

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I'm interested in knowing more about Doom 4, I didn't like it at first when reading that article from Kotaku in 2013 and seeing those videos with some "levels" and resistance group, now I want to read, watch or see more of it. If you have other pics or links about interesting facts would be good. 

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On 5/13/2022 at 1:26 AM, Wad overdose said:

 Here but not all






Nice, it looks like Call of Duty 

So there is no pics of BFG or other guns?


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On 7/9/2022 at 3:47 PM, CoolerDoomeR said:

Nice, it looks like Call of Duty 

So there is no pics of BFG or other guns?




Shotgun carring by damaged possesed soldier you can see in one of screenshots by josh ball in art station it's not same as 2016 conterpart,bullpup rifle in glory kill idea animation from 2013 in vimeo and youtube it's only know weapons we have,  We don't have any bfg official concept arts and in game pics.

Edited by Wad overdose

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On 5/12/2022 at 4:02 AM, Wad overdose said:

noclip will release new material  of the game maybe footages too, i hope that we will be shown the gameplay in all its glory and at least one level from start to finish.




This is the raw footage sent over from Bethesda for the NoClip Doom 2016 documentary, without any narration or editing. The Doom 4 1.0 content is all the same stuff you saw in the documentary, just a hair more of it. There's also an animatic for an early version of the Doom 2016 intro and various tech tests from throughout that game's development.

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what can I say about what I saw, the first is finally clear ver of sewer fight footage, the second if at the beginning of the uac would be as dynamic as 2016 animatic l be more badass,  sadly they not left the prowler like demon enemy's sounds to 2016 imp he is more creepy i love  kinda like sounds of agony of d4 imp,hk should have had the same hell wave attack as dk from de, i think blue flame demon maybe is d4 summoner/archvile.

Edited by Wad overdose

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Credit to crispies and his discord archive server of this cancelled game, that's from rage files and tool kit Swoopy is creature from cancelled id's darkness game and ancira's torso used as material lol,Possible name of levels of doom 4 ashes vertical slice level name maybe,exodus maybe trance aka subway level name i guess this level starts after hellwave/Manhattan,d_industrialcity i think it's name of level we know as industrial street.




Edited by Wad overdose

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Credit to crispies

D4 Doomguy armor











 I wonder where you can download this mod with Doom 4 AR? True Textures Are Cringy

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