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The Green Herring

Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

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Community Chest aka cc // cchest

Community Chest 2 aka cc2 // cchest2

Community Chest 3 aka cc3 // cchest3

Community Chest 4 aka cc4 // cchest 4


Now that Community Chest 3 has been released, here is a demo topic dedicated to the series. Post demos for any CC installment here! I'll start off with two demos for the secret level in CC2:

c231-TGH - UV speed demos for Community Chest 2 (CCHEST2.WAD) MAP31: Idée Fixe by Sarge Baldy, including:

  • c231-028 - normal exit in 0:28
  • c231s025 - secret exit in 0:25

Let's get recording, shall we?

old Grazza notes:


Note to all by Grazza: When recording on Cchest3, please record in Boom-compatible format, as this is what the wad requires, and it means that the demo will play back with more exes. It also provides a level playing-field. To do so, you can use prboom-plus with -complevel 9 in your command-line. And please use a current version, as bugs in Boom compat have been fixed. Alternatively, you can use the original Boom 2.02 or its Windows port Prboom 2.02.

Note2 to all by Grazza: Also, be sure to use the version of the wad dated 26-Nov-2007.


Edited by Maribo

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Well, here is me completing MAP26 in 29:01. I am not a very skilled player, so this run is far from optimal. Still, maybe this will kickstart the rest of you guys to start making demos for this set.

(Demo Attached)


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Did CC3 map16 UV-Max in 6:33. Very improvable I'd say since I make some silly mistakes in a few spots. Then again, surviving the final battles was a plus :P.

Attaching demo now.


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Made a demo of CC 3 map 17. Max kills and Secrets. Alittle long though..Im sure anyone can do better then I did..Made afew mistakes in this but all in all I think it came out alright.


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Your demo doesn't run under PrBoom 2.3.1 or PrBoom+ on my machine.

EDIT: Nor Eternity 3.31.

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Dr. Zin said:
Your demo doesn't run under PrBoom 2.3.1 or PrBoom+ on my machine.

Aleaver's? It works for me. Although v2.3.1 of PrBoom is old and v1.0.0.1 isn't a valid version of PrBoom+.

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Dr. Zin said:

Your demo doesn't run under PrBoom 2.3.1 or PrBoom+ on my machine.

EDIT: Nor Eternity 3.31.

That's because Andy recorded the demo with no compatibility levels set. It works on the current PrBoom+ non-test version,, which is the version that I have. For the future, Andy, if you want to record a CC3 demo, try doing so with Boom compatibility, since that's what the wad was made for. You can set it by adding -complevel 9 to the command line along with the usual demo-recording parameters.

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Damn it...I knew I forgot something....sorry about that...But I always forget something it seems. I will remember that from now on...

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I got some 1st exit on map02 in 6:52. Will see how better will it go. Nice map :-)
EDIT: 6:33

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Just made a demo Of CC 3 map 08..This time I had complevel 9 on so it should work properly. Again sorry about that last demo..Anyway, this one is not half as long as my first demo but I still bet someone can make a run waaay faster than I did..Max kills, items, and secrets with this one also.


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Did a UV-Speed of CC3 map14 in 2:50. Very improvable (At least 10+ seconds faster I'd say), but I was getting tired of failing so often and took the first exit I could get.

Attaching demo now.


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Made a crappy 5:45 UV max for CC3 map 6; I'll improve it some and upload. BTW, you can do a blue key keygrab on that map, but it seems to be of no real use.

EDIT: 5:05, I'll improve it again and post a 4:xx.

EDIT #2: 4:57, but it's still awful. I'll do better.

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Did a UV maxdemo for Map29 (For We Are Many). The demo was recorded with Zdoom 2.1.7. I don't really Doom anymore, but this level was pretty fun indeed. It can be improved massively.

The time sucks pretty bad, but I thought I'd submit it anyways.


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Here's a UV Max demo of Map 21. Nice little map! Some of you pros could do it in half the time I did. I used Prboom-plus to record it.


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BTW Marco: you forgot the txt, and -complevel 9 would be desirable when you record on this wad, as it makes a Boom-compatible demo.

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Grazza said:

BTW Marco: you forgot the txt, and -complevel 9 would be desirable when you record on this wad, as it makes a Boom-compatible demo.

-complevel 11 except for map29

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No, I don't think it makes sense for people to record MBF demos just because of a cosmetic issue (i.e. skies).

With -complevel 11, the behaviour varies depending on many compatibility settings. This removes any notion of a level playing field, and requires the user to tweak the settings to avoid behaviour that may be unwanted or annoying. Also, there are some unresolved issues with MBF compatibility (i.e. the artica4 demo), as you're aware, and some quirks (e.g. multikey doors) that can lead to maps not behaving the way they were intended.

So definitely -complevel 9, please!

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Here is a max demo I made of CC 3 map 25. Its the longest I have made..but thats my own fault. I would have been done quicker if I had put a teleporter in the final area of the map that leads up to the monsters on the raised walls. Took alot longer to get max kills the way it is now with no teleporter. IDK why I just didn't do that in the first place.


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Lots of demos to watch it seems :P. Before I go do that, I'll mention that I did a UV-Max for CC3 Map27 in 11:29. A little slow I think (Betcha someone here can get this to 10:xx or close to it), but I'm just happy to get past the two cybies at the end. Yeah, this is the only time I ever killed both of them and lived :P.

Attaching demo now.


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Kristian Ronge said:

Hey, Raggy! Great to see you recording again! :-)

Thanks man! I'm trying to shave off some time with that last run I did. I've got another demo that was right around 40 minutes, but I had to do some back tracking to kill a loner imp... :(

That added about 5 minutes to the demo :\

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ragnew said:

Thanks man! I'm trying to shave off some time with that last run I did. I've got another demo that was right around 40 minutes, but I had to do some back tracking to kill a loner imp... :(

That added about 5 minutes to the demo :\

I thought you had quit doom last week ?! :D

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VinceDSS said:

I thought you had quit doom last week ?! :D

Consider this a going away present :P

EDIT : BTW, I tried to improve the time for my last demo, but heh, it just ain't happening. Oh well, it was worth a shot.

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This is another UV Max demo of map 21. Just shaved a little time off the first one I submitted. This one was also recorded using Prboom-plus But using -complevel 9 this time. Text file is also included with this one.


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