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Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fixing Project v1.9

   (19 reviews)

About This File

A comprehensive collection of minor sprite fixes for Doom 2 comprised of restored missing monster angle rotations, art corrections, and adjusted sprite offsets. Also includes a separate Doom 1/ Ultimate Doom-compatible version and optional minor DeHackEd patch fixes. These files are compatible with any custom Doom 2 or 1 add-ons, including demo compatibility, as long as you load the following WAD or DEH files with the lowest priority.

D2SPFX18.WAD - Doom 2 sprite fixes D1SPFX18.WAD - Doom 1-compatible sprite fixes D2DEHFIX.DEH - doom2.exe v1.9 DeHackEd fixes D1DEHFIX.DEH - doom.exe v1.9 DeHackEd fixes

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adding to my gzdoom autoload

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It's a shame this isn't a part of vanilla by default. 

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A truly beautiful edition to my collection of wads. Not only does it fix the sprites, but it also brings me a nice feeling knowing that the super shotgun won't look weird anymore.

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Based fix that cleans shit up

Based Revenant100

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El Juancho


I always use this wad.

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Hawk of The Crystals


This is the only wad I use for doom unless it's smooth doom.

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Absolutely essential

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Nice, goodbye glitchy ssg

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Why not? This is incredible.

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it wont seem to let me download but from what ive seen it looks really good

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:D gret wad

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It could pass as an official update if id Software still maintained their Doom IWADs today. This compilation of graphical corrections is clearly made with an interest to improve upon the vanilla experience rather than guessing or assuming "what would have been". The cherry on top is even with the DEHACKED patch it still retains demo compatibility with the original four demos of The Ultimate Doom and most likely more demos in source ports that support demos.

"Hey, not too rough" with a proper comma that isn't cut off along with the number 5 in the status bar having a proper outline (leftmost, ammo count)New former sergeant rotation in action

The fixes are heavily based on sprite offsets which is why it's so difficult to get a good screenshot of the mod in action. The new sprite offsets are definitely noticeable during play as the enemies appear to move smoother and more naturally. For example, viewing the chaingunner firing from the side won't result in him shifting back every time a bullet comes out. If that fix isn't subtle enough, then the addition of the unused rotations for both monsters and the player is obvious along with some user interface fixes such as fixing the comma that was cut off for "Hey, not too rough" difficulty and giving the number 5 for the status bar a proper outline. It's a definite must have!


Note: The screenshots were taken in Chocolate Doom.

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A much needed fix to some of id's original sprite and graphics work.

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Despite heated debate an interesting entry in the world of Doom "mods". Props for the hard work.

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Excellent. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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Jaxxoon R

A fine thing to have on autoload. Now my chaingunners do not shift about as they fire.

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I like this.

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In development for some time now, the sprite fixup project provides subtle fixups to minor bugs in Doom's sprites and their animation, and also adding the long-missing full zombie rotations, all with an obsessively careful eye for detail and in a way that carefully respects the original game and gameplay.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.