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TraceOfSpades said:

Ghostbusters. The real one.

I dunno. The remake is pretty real. I thought it was alright.

I mean, I have the ticket. I'm pretty sure it was real.

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Most recently I saw Skyline. I didn't like either the story or the characters or the flow, but I didn't think of the movie as so bad as the many reviews make it sound. There were some cool concepts, and they weren't afterthoughts, but the movie played with them. Why would unfriendly advanced aliens come to Earth? If they wanted to mass-abduct as-many-as-possible humans alive, how would they technically go about it? How would common people react or defend themselves? How would the military response look like? What effect would human weapons including nukes have on the aliens? What benefits do the aliens gain from using bio-technology? What are the issues and possible problems with using literal brains as computers? Those are all interesting questions, and the movie answered them all or at least implied the answers, I don't say it was always 100% realistic or interesting, but certainly gave food for thought and for sight too, and that's what I give the movie credit for.

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Johnatone said:

Just found out last week; it was supposed to be tonight only but they've added a couple more days this week. Other than some filler that lightened the tone of the movie it was great. Always a pleasure to hear Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill work together, that was the Batman and Joker I grew up with, therefore in my mind they are those characters. Heh.

What are your feelings on THAT SCENE with Batman and Batgirl? You know the one.

Personally, I kind of want to mail a glitterbomb to Dan Didio in retaliation. (Spoiler: the glitterbomb will have anthrax in it)

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The Big Short. Very interesting film. THe way it was shot and directed basically blurs the lines of a documentary in the vein of something like Super Size Me (best example I got) and a normal drama film. It's sort of like a dramatization yet also just a stand alone film. It doesn't need to be based on a real event, and as such it wouldn't need to be a mockumentary. Overall it was fairly clever film making.

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Me and my girlfriend have been watching horror/disaster movies every night all week. The first night we watched War of the Worlds, the second night we watched The Mist ( still the most depressing ending to any movie ever ), and tonight we watched 28 Days Later. Didn't really get into 28 Days Later, it just felt like a run of the mill zombie movie to me.

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dethtoll said:

What are your feelings on THAT SCENE with Batman and Batgirl? You know the one.

Personally, I kind of want to mail a glitterbomb to Dan Didio in retaliation. (Spoiler: the glitterbomb will have anthrax in it)

Found the whole thing unnecessary. It made her look incompetent, didn't add to the story in a meaningful way, lightened the tone of the film too much instead of making it darker, and the very last scene they added ruined the end. It ended on a perfect note, credit roll, bam, final add-on ruined the end. If this was made for comic fans I don't know why they bothered trying to make it make sense for non-fans. Plus the whole filler screwed the pacing of the main story a bit anyway.

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I saw Star Trek Beyond just yesterday, it was okay but it didn't really wow me in any way. It was the first Abrams directed movie I have seen.

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Watching Robocop 1 again... After a long time.

Its wonderful watching classics, isnt?

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I watched "Secret Life of Pets" and "Brother's Grimsby"

I honestly liked Secret life of pets more, but Brothers Grimsby wasn't a worthless watch either.

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"The Lobster" is a surrealist/absurdist dark comedy about a society in which subjects must find a male or female mate within 45 days (all of which must be spent on the grounds of a murky totalitarian hotel), lest they be transformed into an animal of their choice. The second half takes a completely different turn, as the main protagonist attempts to defy the hotel's absurd policy, leading to an anachronistic series of misadventures in which mob mentality and sexual suppression are impossible to avoid.

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Count651 said:

The Mist ( still the most depressing ending to any movie ever )

Oh man. I remember when I read the book and watched the ending to the movie. My jaw went to the floor.

On topic, I watched Finding Dory recently. What a great sequel.

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Afflicted(2013)- Crazy take on the vampire genre. Really interesting point of view. Definitely worth a watch, but it somewhat loses its way by the end.

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And just wrapped up Where the Wild Things Are.

This film had me rather uneasy throughout, and the manner of which it switches emotions so fast and how it can be attributed to the design is fantastic. Gorgeous, harrowing film.

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We watched Grindhouse last night. It's been a while, and I still love it. I've also come to appreciate Tarantino's cinematography in Death Proof; it's unique, even for Tarantino.

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44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shootout.

It was a straight to TV movie about the 1997 North Hollywood Bank of America robbery turned shootout between LAPD and two robbers armed with AK47s. No cops or civilians were killed (thank God for good guys with AR15s). This movie was probably the most accurate retelling of actual events I have ever seen.

It stars Ron Livingston (Peter from Office Space) and Michael Madson (Mr. Blond from Reservoir Dogs).

Political rant warning:


Whenever people ask questions like, "Why do the police need to be militarized?!" I refer them to stories like this, where armored vehicles helped rescue injured people from the crossfire and heavily armed and armored officers were able to neutralize the threat without being killed.

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TraceOfSpades said:

44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shootout.

It was a straight to TV movie about the 1997 North Hollywood Bank of America robbery turned shootout between LAPD and two robbers armed with AK47s. No cops or civilians were killed (thank God for good guys with AR15s). This movie was probably the most accurate retelling of actual events I have ever seen.

It stars Ron Livingston (Peter from Office Space) and Michael Madson (Mr. Blond from Reservoir Dogs).

Whenever people ask dumbass questions like, "Why do the police need to be militarized?!" I refer them to stories like this, where armored vehicles helped rescue injured people from the crossfire and heavily armed and armored officers were able to neutralize the threat without being killed.

Seen this movie myself, and in this movie none of the old pros like Madsen and Mario van Peebles can save this thing from being a tired, generic cops vs robbers film with a weak script, on top of the issues of it being something of a simplification of the actual shootout. Also, can't you please keep your creepy politics out of a simple fucking movie thread?

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Avoozl said:

I saw Star Trek Beyond just yesterday, it was okay but it didn't really wow me in any way. It was the first Abrams directed movie I have seen.

Abrams didn't direct Star Trek Beyond, just production this time.

Just got back from watching Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Quite a good watch.

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Saturn said:

bestiality movie

I watched the whole Zoo documentary on youtube recently. Man, talk about being alienated from general society.

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dethtoll said:

Seen this movie myself, and in this movie none of the old pros like Madsen and Mario van Peebles can save this thing from being a tired, generic cops vs robbers film with a weak script, on top of the issues of it being something of a simplification of the actual shootout. Also, can't you please keep your creepy politics out of a simple fucking movie thread?

Eh, you're right. Wrong place for that. Sorry. Edited the post.

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I watched Predator last night, it was nice to revisit one of my childhood favorites.

Next up is Commando, then probably Raw Deal and possibly The Eraser after that.

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Star Trek Beyond. I thought this one was pretty good, I'd even say that I liked it better than the first movie, & it's way better than Into Darkness. One thing that I liked about the film was that the plot really seemed to tribute the original series, if this movies was cut down to a 45 minute run time I think it would easily fit right into the TV series. I thought that the villain could have used a bit more work though, he does seem to be one of those classic TV type villians, but his backstory & motivations could have been explained a bit better.

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I watched Phone Booth once again.

Shit, my heart was racing throughout the whole thing!

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Star Trey Beyond. I liked it, my favorite Star Trek movie since First Contact, favorite of the three new ones (I liked Into Darkness the least). But, I agree Krall the villain needed more development. Why did being abandoned on a planet and having an overall jingoist personality turn him into like an evil space wizard? Plus, where did all this amazing technology come from? From the existing race present on the planet? That's referenced but also needed more development. And the level of acrobatics in these movies is getting out of control. It's like cirque du soleil with tricorders. Not every action sequence needs to end with new-Kirk flying through the air and grabbing hold of someone mid-somersault for an emergency transport back to the ship.

Good points: dialogue, generally, the complexity of the science-y parts and the way the movie deals with the old Star Trek format. It turns it around: The frontier is full of darkness and evil, not wonder, and as is stated in an early monologue, space is mostly empty and when you explore it, you mostly just find yourself. And the action is really satisfying for some reason.

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