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The Community Project Tracker

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Hey, @quakis I made this community project today. Put it there please:

Started out on September 3

Deadline on October 14

16 free slots remaining

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Hello, @quakis. Could you add my community project to the list, please? For now we are looking for mappers. Thank you very much.



Edit: Thank you very much!



Edited by jo2ukegappy

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Hey @quakis! I've just started this community project today, I'd be grateful if this could be added to the list. :>

Started November 11th, beta deadline is the end of the year.



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1 hour ago, Synami said:

Hey @quakis! I've just started this community project today, I'd be grateful if this could be added to the list. :>

Added to the tracker as requested! However I'd like to add; While this project seems to be focusing most of it's development via Discord, please remember to consider updating the opening post occasionally with map slot claims and other status changes to make tracking the progress easier for everyone visiting the thread.


Starting next year I'll be getting more strict with community projects lacking news updates and seem inactive regarding their inclusion to the tracker, just an early heads up for anyone reading this. More details on that at a later time.

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7 minutes ago, quakis said:

please remember to consider updating the opening post occasionally with map slot claims and other status changes to make tracking the progress easier for everyone visiting the thread.


Thank you for reminding me - I've edited my post where map slots are displayed. 26 are open as of now.

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1 hour ago, Catfoolyou said:

Hello @quakis, I have released my community project. Please change the status.

Congrats! Moved to releases.

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A BOOM 2.02/Vanilla Compatible Community Project i decided to make.


DEADLINE ON AUGUST 15TH 2024 (or when every slot is fulfilled.)

(i made maps 1 and 32 in it.)

Edited by Mr795

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(incredibly long quote removed)


Maybe change the 30 maps slots in desolation to 32 because the 2 maps I made are placeholders, the M_DOOM graphic is a placeholder.

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54 minutes ago, Mr795 said:

Maybe change the 30 maps slots in desolation to 32 because the 2 maps I made are placeholders, the M_DOOM graphic is a placeholder.

Will do. Also as some friendly forum advice please try to avoid quoting entire posts especially if they're long, in future consider trimming down the quote to the portion you're specifically replying to, it otherwise causes too much unnecessary clutter. Cheers.

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Posted (edited)

So it's already been a year since I started maintaining this list! It was a daunting idea at first but I've since settled into a workflow that keeps the whole process going smoothly. So, here's to another year!


I've made some minor changes to the list format:

  • New icons for music / art so they're a bit more obvious from a glance. cp_mus2.png.affbad82eaa3eaa876659d64f25cb278.pngcp_art2.png.b84d14a05636ba55aa53ae8b50f2234e.png
  • Added project lead names beneath the project title link
  • Removed the "non-map submission" section, these projects will go into the master list as normal, not enough of them to justify an entire dedicated section
  • Placed "inactive" and "closed" projects under spoiler tags to keep the list tidier.

The tracker has also been cleaned up to best represent the current activity for the start of 2024. I've decided I should be a more strict about threads being inactive, as it doesn't seem very encouraging or helpful to people having to sort past inactive projects to find an active one to join.


Therefore I've moved some projects under the inactive header which lack updates for a significant length of time; either via an update to the opening post or recent posting from the project lead. Going forward, after roughly 3 months of inactivity, give or take, I'll designate the [Quiet] tag under Status, which means it'll be soon be moved under the inactive header where further inactivity will have it removed from the tracker until further notice. If however activity does pick up again, I'll glady re-add those projects to the main tracker.


I simply want to stress once again that the purpose of this thread and my goal here is to keep eyes on the active projects looking for participants.



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