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The Doom Confessional Booth

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I don't know where the normal exit is in E2M5. I always just take the secret exit.

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I almost never use the plasma rifle and bfg, thinking I'd better
save the ammo for that big fight that's coming up...then exit with
600~ cells. (Getting better at cutting loose, but I generally hoard

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-I've only beaten Doom 2 once without cheating / freelook.
-Never played all the way through either Final Doom games.
-I actually prefer ZDoom styled wads over vanilla, yet I play vanilla more.
-I actually think Quake is a better game than classic Doom (though I play Doom more and it's easier to mod).
-From what I've played, AV isn't anything special.

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Gordon said:

I don't know where the normal exit is in E2M5. I always just take the secret exit.

This. Well, I know where it is but it's much harder to get to than the secret exit.

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I too, prefer Aubrey Hodges' music over Boby Prince's.
I own Doom (and Quake) for every system I own that it's available for.
The Plutonia Experiment did my head in.
I've completed numerous playthroughs of Doom 3 and RoE, both on PC and XBox.
I made a patch for ZDoom which gives the Icon of Sin 10000 health so I can play with freelook without feeling guilty.
I was once a Doomsday Engine fanboy before converting to GZDoom.
I enjoyed the Doom movie.

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I don't know how to get to the secret levels in The Shores of Hell or Inferno, but I've skipped to them before.

MAP05: Vivisection is the only map in No Rest For The Living that I skipped.

I have a strong interest in wads that are impossibly hard, even though I rarely can ever beat them, I will often devote hours into attempting to complete a single map that is seemingly impossible. Sigvatr's cesspool.wad is one that I've been getting increasingly close to completing on UV but not yet. I've been playing it from time to time since it was released. Another one I've been trying to beat is Chris Shepherd's MAP15 of newgothic.wad and Erik Alm's eaxt.wad (I don't have a video of me losing at it yet.)

Everybody says they hate lost souls but I think they are the most awesome monster in the game.

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40oz said:
I don't know how to get to the secret levels in The Shores of Hell or Inferno, but I've skipped to them before.

I doubt I'd be able to find them without consulting a map or walkthrough ahead of time (except maybe by accident). I can't think of where E4's secret exit is either, but I'm pretty sure I found it last time I played...

On the other hand, I always take the secret exit in MAP15 of Doom II, so I can't think of where the regular exit for that level is off the top of my head.

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I like some of the SNES renditions of Doom music, particularly E1M3, E1M8, E2M2, E2M4 and E2M8.

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Mr. Chris said:

I like some of the SNES renditions of Doom music, particularly E1M3, E1M8, E2M2, E2M4 and E2M8.

Now if you liked ANY of the 32X renditions of Doom music, now that shit would be the motherfucking ass.

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Reiken said:

I almost never use the plasma rifle and bfg, thinking I'd better
save the ammo for that big fight that's coming up...then exit with
600~ cells. (Getting better at cutting loose, but I generally hoard

Same here.

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I didnt like Icarus, or any 90's maps really, they're usually too bland and boring

I like hudmessages from Sarge in Zdoom wads

I like Zdoom wads that use Zdoom features

I like Zdoom wads.

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I bought an iPhone (which I hate) over Android (which I like) only because of Doom 2 RPG and Doom Resurrection.

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I'm playing with a vanilla-only port that has no music. I really like it that way. That's also how I played Quake.

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- I wind up cheating whenever I play now
- Whenever I play invasion, I lone-wolf like crazy and get real competetive for first place.
- I very rarely ever play after level 03 of DOOM2 whenever I do playit without skipping around.
- I stop playing usually when I die rather than respawning
- I for somereason always find myself trying to use console commands in skulltag. Not sure why, because usually I'm doing quite well.

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- When shit hits the fan when I play the game, I cheat. I think I used the resurrect cheat at least twice when playing through Suspended in Dusk today.
- My play style is very versatile. Sometimes, when I feel kick-ass, I blast through mods at the speed of sound with not a problem in the world and not caring about the damage I take, because I feel like I can take on the whole of Hell's army by myself. At other times, I feel like taking it slow and play very strategically and usurp the atmosphere from the mod. I'm wary about my health and don't take kindly to losing chunks of my health. That happens often when I feel like hell, which I've felt like recently.
- I rarely complete mods and usually start over a lot of times and randomly come back to save files I've wasted a lot of time on just like that. There's one save file I have on The Talosian Incident where I am at the last level. I don't think I'll complete it in any time soon. In fact, I started a new game on it just recently. If I don't complete it, I will probably start all over again.
- I jump and crouch a lot in Doom, but most often to avoid enemy fire. I find myself running through obstacles like normally instead of just easily jumping over it.
- I don't like playing vanilla on Zdoom, i.e. not running any custom mods while playing, yet find stuff such as browser versions of Doom extremely entertaining.
- I mouselook to kill the Icon of Sin. Firing in a straight line at the perfect timing just feels unnatural and dum to me.
- If I don't find a secret, and I WANT to find that secret, I cheat for an automap to find it. Should that not work, I noclip through walls to find it.
- Slaugthermaps stresses me up to no end, as the tactics required to beat them rubs me the wrong way and screws up MY tactics to complete a level

...I think that's all.

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DeathevokatioN said:

I prefer mappers from the 90's, although I do enjoy alot of newer authors' work.

I second this, but I don't think it's something to be ashamed of!

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oh no

  • Over the course of my Dooming career, I have probably played more maps with weapon mods than without them.
  • When playing maps with ZDoom (which I almost always tend to use), I tend to not save and instead use the resurrect cheat. A lot.
  • I love retardedly bad maps and on occasion still make (but not exactly release) them.
  • During Enjay's "E1M1 From Memory" project, I not only failed horribly but also came across the revelation that if it was instead "MAP01 From Memory," I'd have aced it.
  • My "famous megawads I haven't played" list is exceptionally large. Off the top of my head, there's both MM's, both HR's, all the Scythes, KSutra, SoD, Epic2, Newgothic, all 1024 wads, all CChests, and (Ultimate) Simplicity.
  • I actually had to poll the "audience" (the IRC channels I'm in) for a list of famous megawads so I could even get a decent list for the previous item (the "top of my head" is quite elusive sometimes).
  • I loathe TNT MAP31 and AV MAP24.
  • My favorite Doom episode is... E5.

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I confess that:

  • E1 is amazing.
  • I use the save function while playing. C:
  • I generally play in a slower, more cautious style. And sometimes just brute force a Cyberdemon with 18% health and a BFG over a pit of acid.
  • Slaughter maps are shit.
  • XBLA is the only non-shit Doom console port.
  • TNT > Plutonia
  • I like some of the fancy G/Zdoom mapsets more than pure vanilla.

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Other confessions:

-I think Alien Vendetta is very overrated.
-I use Doom95 for IWADs.
-I like E2 better than E1.
-I think Doom 64 is way better than PSX Doom.
-I don't really like sluaghter maps.
-I save in the middle of maps.

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Here's my little list:

-I tend to rely on save/load quite a lot, despite the fact I know I'm getting very good at this game.
--This is mostly because I find the average size of maps these days to just to be too large.
-I also have a habit of forgetting to save, and just resurrecting (using ZDoom)
-I loathe Icon of Sin levels, and generally have no patience for any final map, usually resorting to resurrection and cheating to just be done with it.
-I've played thousands and thousands of maps, but very rarely go back to replay any .WADs despite the fact that I keep them.
-Generally speaking, I enjoy my own works as a replayable experience, even though I have had more fun playing through some of the other maps I've downloaded.
-I found Espi's maps to be quite dull to play, but was so impressed by the layouts and clever little approaches to interconnectivity that I've tried to incorporate that into my mapping.

Think that's everything.

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On UDoom I've only completed E1. I just don't like the others enough to really finish them despite having some really good levels.

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Six said:

datadanne said:
I have defeated the Cyberdemon with only a fist.

That's more an accomplishment than a confession.

alright then,,, I have not finished Thy Flesh Consumed(Doom1) on Nightmare skill yet. It is for me next to impossible.

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