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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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Megamur said:

Another one I'm trying to recall. It was one of the earliest MegaWADs to use Boom features. (Or maybe it wasn't a MegaWAD. Maybe it was just a few levels. But it replaced more than one map, at least.) Boom gimmicks aside (such as the aforementioned "undernukage"), it was fairly "vanilla" overall, using standard enemies and weapons and such. The biggest alteration I recall was that the green teleporter fog was replaced with a black/gray smoke sprite. The sky texture may have been blue, as well.

Chaos Project

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scalliano said:

Does anyone have a copy of this? Basically, it's a project which recreates the Doom 3 maps in a classic style and I lost the .WAD in an ill-prepped HD format about a year ago. That download link on WIP leads to some bullshit filesharing site that demands a proprietary (probably spy/spam/malbot-ridden) client and I'm just not going there.


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Marnetmar said:

Anyone have a really old, shitty 2-3 level wad I created called 1.wad?

Wow, you sure gave it an original name :) was asd.wad taken?

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Marnetmar said:

Anyone have a really old, shitty 2-3 level wad I created called 1.wad?

Yep - two maps only unless you did more than one version.

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Although not terribly specific like the other requests, I have one.

Are there any really really realistic real-world-setting .wads that have come out in the past ten years?

Reason being, I've been out of the community for as long and I want to see what kind of boundaries have been broken since. Toying around with the idea of doing a bit of Doom modding myself and want to check some stuff out.

I'd prefer .wads that don't require anything special in the way of source ports (other than limit-removing or Boom effects, these are a given I'd say) but it doesn't matter if I need to download a source port to play. I just want to see what's been done. :)

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ComicMischief said:

Are there any really really realistic real-world-setting .wads that have come out in the past ten years?

Dawn of Reality is probably about as real-world as you're going to see in a Doom-based engine.

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Memfis said:

(not recommended for ZDoom, better play in prboom-plus)

I've been using ZDoom. Before I download another source port, why is this?

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I don't know why but this wad works much slower in zdoom. I guess prboom-plus works better on maps with lost of sprites.

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Overdose wasn't as shit-slow on ZDoom as Dawn of Reality, but it's cool -- I wanted a look around, not really a playthrough (IDDQD'd and NOCLIP'd so I could browse). Parts of Overdose were quite impressive, I must say.

Thanks, guys. :)

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GreyGhost said:

Yep - two maps only unless you did more than one version.

Thank you so much! That's the first wad I ever made.

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Alright, so. I want a quick .wad that replaces the first sky in Doom2 with a space sky. Nothing else -- it's for testing a map I'm making.

I will eventually make a proper space sky for myself, but in the meantime just something to make this look right when I test the first map.

Thanks in advance. :)

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Just the ticket, thanks. Doing a set of levels that are on Phobos, and I actually want them to look like it -- although I'll be eventually making a sky to look like Mars is being orbited, that's not what I'm concentrating on right now so I wanted something quick that looked the part.

Again, thank you. :)

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Me, again. I do apologise (and thank you all for responding so well) because I know this thread isn't "I'm looking for 'x' kind of .wad" per se, but "I remember a .wad that went 'wurrrrrrr' and then 'durrrrrr' - does anyone know what it was called?"; but still, you guys know this stuff more than I do (and you're awesome for it).

Anywho, are there any .wads themed around B-movie alien invasion stuff? I can remember an old one called 'Area 51' (not strictly what I was looking for, but downloaded it anyway) but a couple of Google searches usually end up pointing me toward Aliens TC and that really isn't what I'm after.

Think the kind of themes seen in Plan 9 From Outer Space, Mars Attacks! and the Destroy All Humans games -- that's the kinda thing I'm after. :)

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I'm looking for a wad that was most probably released in one of the wads and mods thread in the last month or two (haven't been able to find the thread, though). It was a spaceport (not as in the doom2 levels 1-7 design, as in an airport that looks like what you would think an actual spaceport to look like) with different destinations listed, I remember one of them being "Jakarta". I think the mapper had only made a couple of levels before, also.

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The map I`m trying to find is most probably a part of a megawad:

all I can remember is a huge crusher shaped like an inverted cross, and I think there was a red key in the middle of it, and there were alot of brown textures, probably stones, at least not tech base.

Does this ring any bell for anyone?

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invictius said:

I'm looking for a wad that was most probably released in one of the wads and mods thread in the last month or two (haven't been able to find the thread, though). It was a spaceport (not as in the doom2 levels 1-7 design, as in an airport that looks like what you would think an actual spaceport to look like) with different destinations listed, I remember one of them being "Jakarta". I think the mapper had only made a couple of levels before, also.

You might be thinking of Phobos, but that was made all the way back in '98

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ComicMischief said:

Some years back, Doomworld held an Episode 1-themed WAD contest and it was judged by John Romero. Was this WAD ever released on idgames?

The WAD is e1contest.wad (additionally, there are some demos for it). It was a Doomcenter contest, BTW (a previous thread on the subject).

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Ah, thanks. My bad, DoomCenter it was. I remember BigDog, he was so friendly and awesome.

I was wondering because I made a level for that thing - was nice to play it again, thanks for the link. Ahhhh, nostalgia. Doesn't seem to be on idgames anyway, thanks again. :)

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