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DW's all-inclusive Discord/Xbox/PSN/Switch/Steam ID bonanza!

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Name: DooMFeaRKeepeR

Games I play Most: Dawn oF War Soulstorm (with Titanium War MOD)
Mass Effect 1,2,3
Team Fortress 2 (Every Once and awhile)

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Steam: Gordon Freeman (I have Doom 3 by the way)

XBLA: Hal0guy777 (Have RAGE, Borderlands 1 Game of the Year Edition, Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, DOOM 1, Minecraft, Quake Arena Arcade, Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter)

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Steam: r0g3r5
PSN: Darkhaven3
Xbox 360: Hefty Dumps

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I'm playing Planetside 2 now. (If I sell my desktop, I'll be reverting to PS1.)

Jaeger server
Vanu Sovereignty

Friend me, bitches.

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Steam ID: katamorihun
Steam name: KatamoriHUN

I play various games, mostly The Binding of Isaac - but I'd go to play TF2 if anyone wants =)

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Xbox gamertag: The Evilution,
the games I play vary, but if you really wish (for some reason) I will join you on the following terrible games: halo 4, call of duty black ops 2.
better games: dead island, the orange box (TF2), doom 3 BFG's horribly broken deathmatch, the two classic dooms co-op for 360, duke nukem 3d co-op, halo 3 ODST, marathon durandle xbla release co-op, if you really want: minecraft (why!) as well as counter strike GO (but I suck) and varied arcade and indie games

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My Steam and PSN names are both optimusjamie, but you'll rarely if ever see me on PSN.
Steam games: TF2, CS:GO, L4D2, PlanetSide 2, Red Orchestra 2
PSN game: Gran Turismo 5. That's pretty much all I ever play on PS3 these days.

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Xbox GT: Jet1337
Steam ID: 1337Jet

I'm trying to get off console gaming. I've been saving up to build my pc.

But for now, I play Defiance on 360 and I have all the Doom games released for it and DN3D.

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Steam ID: SavageCorona
Like to play: Doom (via non-Steam Zandronum shortcut to play online), L4D(2), TF2, Magicka, Serious Sam (all them), Batman, Painkiller HD, Quake (all of them including ET), Wolfenstein (the old ones), Thief 1 2 and 3, Sleeping Dogs, GTA4 and EFLC, Deus Ex, Hitman 1, 2, 3 and 4, Amnesia, Duke 3D, Surgeon Simulator, Sine Mora, The Ship, Rise of the Triad, Shadow Warrior, Race 07, Receiver, Psychonauts, Postal, Portal 2, Overlord, Hotline Miami, Garry's Mod, Counter Strike Source, DLC Quest, Age of Chivalry, Payday the Heist AND MUCH, MUCH MORE. MUCH. MORE.

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360 Gamertag: Darken Legacy (Not once did I think to look for Jimothy.)

I play plenty of the original DOOM, but I've been getting really hooked on Payday 2 as of late.

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XB360: DoomKid92

My name on pretty much every service ever is either Doomkid or Doomkid92.

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Doomkid92 said:

XB360: DoomKid92

My name on pretty much every service ever is either Doomkid or Doomkid92.

Sent you a request.

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Steam: Terminus Est (not to be confused with TerminusEst13, creator of Samsara, who is a different guy)
XBox 360: tankermottind (I rarely use my 360 anymore though)

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steam: reality 2.0

I have a ton of games (160 total) most of them are single player. I have almost all ID software titles and all valve games. TF2, Grand theft auto: san andreas, Garry's mod, Killing Floor, and The elder scrolls: skyrim are my 5 most played games.

anyways, just send me an invite if you're ever in the mood to chat or play a game.

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Xbox 360: Excadrill515

I mainly play COD Black Ops, Black Ops 2 occasionally, GTA V, and Titanfall. I'm not online all that often though.

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