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Doom 2 Reloaded

   (315 reviews)


5 Screenshots

About This File

32 Level Megawad for use with Doom2. Hopefully a fun packed collection of mainly small to medium sized maps.

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Unknown date

teh best thing since sliced bread

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Unknown date

not vanilla styled :( 2/5

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Unknown date

This is rather awesome. I dare say it may be my favorite megawad add-on. I liked the all the levels, essentially. Play is tough but not too harsh. The later levels are a bit brutal, but can be negotiated if played smartly. The "conceptual" maps, 9 and 18, are perhaps better suited as standalone levels, but they are also well-made and play rather well for their intent. I encountered the map09 bug Black Yoshi mentioned and map30 can crash (vanilla) sometimes. [4/5] ~Chain Mail (03/2011)

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Unknown date

Incredible job of a megawad, great testing, and attention to technical and aesthetic detail. Nice work, Andy.

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Unknown date

First map's a bad introduction but after that it does improve, if it annoys you that much you can just start on map02.

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Unknown date

Overall, among the best custom WADs I've ever played in my life; there are only a few flaws I find with it -- mainly, that you can't get into the yellow key room in Level 9 without the game crashing for some reason (meaning you have to use IDCLIP and clip AROUND the opening of the room, turn IDCLIP off to grab the key, then turn it back on to get out of the room. Other than that, fine work! -- Black Yoshi

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Unknown date

some of the earth map are boring but hell episode is the best ever 4/5

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Unknown date

Best wad of the week, 5 stars. -Vegeta

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Unknown date

You should play this with PSX music and sounds. Look it up at Doom Depot. It really makes a huge difference, athmosphere-wise. Crazy good maps, by the way. 4/5

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Unknown date

The mapping is great, the levels actually look like what they're supposed to be, especially the starport and city levels. I love those city levels. The beginning and latter maps are a little on the boring side, though. This truly is the iwad that id forgot, not wolfenstein 3d.

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Unknown date

sorry but not cool. 2/5

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Unknown date

Good Work man 5 STars!!

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Unknown date

Really inconsistent. Some great later maps, but the first 10 or so I was forcing myself to continue. Has some rather ugly textures (and texturing) at points too. 3/5

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Unknown date

Awesome magewad, beginning levels just plain, but later maps are better, but I skipped map29 because it's complicated and I feel boring after finished map27 & 28. I love Map32's secrets hunting, it's fun... but the sector with time limit to close is still sucks. :p 4.5/5 -playerlin

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Unknown date

As mentioned by plenty of others the early maps are a bit lame but keep going as the later ones are worth it. Very enjoyable.

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Unknown date

Good megawad, gameplay is superb, enough ammo and fun challenge. The 'sentinel' map adds nice new gamestyle. Theme is consistant, detail is in some places mediocre, but continuity between maps makes up for it. Oldschool dooming, recomended. 4/5 -MaxSpeeD.

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Unknown date

Features impressive texture work and rather interesting gameplay 5 of 5 (Dave_wwid)

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Unknown date

So... some of the maps in this megawad are stinkers, however the majority of maps (nearly 90%) are amazing, not only do they have awesome architecture and a classic feel, but a lot of the maps are really original. I really hope this author decides to make more maps.

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Unknown date

not bad....really

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Unknown date

Good game

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Unknown date

^We're saying "it's what doom 2 should have been" because in this megawad, the maps actually represent what they're supposed to be.

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Unknown date

On the whole, maps are bigger and harder than Doom2 UV. The layout is sometimes confusing and while the gameplay isn't bad it is sometimes frustrating (chaingunners on ledges in outdoor areas). Now, unlike Doom2 this megawad actually manages to keep a consistent atmosphere - for example, Map07 is barely more than a retexture (unless you pick the secrets...) but these smalls differences are enough to really make you feel like you're in a starport this time. It could have used more playtesting, though. 4/5

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Unknown date

Amazing. When I first played level 14 for the first time, I was blown away. One of the best parts is that things are what they represent, e.g. the city levels actually look like cities this time, but on doom 2 they just looked like...something. Of course it has its flaws like any other WAD, but they are only small. Some levels are a little bit bland, and map 01 is a bit difficult, even on hurt me plenty, but overall it is still one of the best i've played so far. 5/5 I hate archviles now

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Unknown date

If you read the above review it mentioned specific flaws. If in fact this wad has been extensively playtested and these flaws are still here despite that, then the testers did a pretty poor job at it and more playtesting (either more focused testing, or from different testers) would have helped.

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Unknown date

Very nice and fun megawad. 4/5 - BloodMarine -

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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.