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Doom 2 In City Only - Community Project [All Slots Claimed]

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I have begun work on MAP30. I think the IoS monster spawners will work really well in an open city environment. I haven't come up with a name yet, but the midi is going to be I am Jazz by James Paddock.



Edited by NecrumWarrior : will will

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23 hours ago, myolden said:

Another quick bump to announce that another slot has opened up.


Which map grouping? If it's a void city map that's opened I'll take it.


EDIT: Sorry I misread the list. If a void city map becomes available in the future I'll take it.

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Unfortunately, I haven't found the time to be able to even begin a map for this. So I'm doing the sensible thing and giving up my slot.

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I'm giving my slot too, i keep getting distracted by a lot of things, and i couldn't focus on the city only project.

I will keep following this tho, it's an interesting idea

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Unfortunately the map I'm working on isn't fun, and I don't/won't have time to retool it in time for the deadline, so I'm giving up my slot as well. Perhaps I will release the map at a later time! Excited to see where this project goes. <3

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I regret to be a part of those dropping their slots, but December has always been one of the busiest months for me when it comes to school and I haven't had enough time to work on my map. I'd rather someone else take the slot and make something well-crafted instead of me rushing to get something rough out on time.

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5 hours ago, myolden said:

@NeilForshaw If you're still interested a void episode map is open.


Oh cool. Yeah I'll take it. Hope I can make something that makes the cut.


3 weeks... So 9th Jan.

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I am tempted to make a second map for this, so a tentative claim of map09. However if someone who hasn’t claimed a map is interested, then consider their claim as trumping this one.

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4 minutes ago, cannonball said:

Given I tentatively expressed interest before in Map09, I might make a claim for Map07 now if that is okay?


Yeah that's fine, it's all yours.

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1 hour ago, realjohnmadden said:

I have no clue how I'm going to do a futuristic city with this texture set and in doom limitations but whatever

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Looks cool so far! We have two E2 maps that have been submitted so far, if you're looking for some inspiration you can pop into the discord linked in the OP and check them out.

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Map 18 is currently unclaimed? Then I'd like to put my thumb on it.


Haha, @myolden, I saw you enter it in the Google doc live by chance.

Edited by Grizzly Old B : Anecdote.

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Considering deadline for me is tomorrow I unfortunately will have to drop my slot. Too many other time asks came up to make good progress. Perhaps a slot may still be open at a later, more free date but i'll try to still help with testing feedback.

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I was very nervous about taking on MAP30, but I pulled it off!


Map Name: Sin City

Map Slot: MAP30

Author: NecrumWarrior

MIDI: I am Jazz by James Paddock

Coop/Difficulties: Yes/Yes

Comments: In the center of the void you find the heart of all cities: The Sin City. Destroy the Icon of Sin and free humanity from the shackles of modernity!

Download: Dropbox






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I'd like to take a crack at MAP12 if that's okay. With that said, can you define a little more what you mean with "open" layouts? When I think of city maps I tend to think more about narrow streets and alleys and nonlinear progression than large open spaces.

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