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The Green Herring

Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

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nice to see you step into the doom demos :D

you are the 1st guy I know that started with recording for heretic and then switched to Doom :D

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Bruno Vergílio said:

Hey Entryway I tried to record the demo again, with complevel 9 and it worked... I changed process_affinity_mask to 1 and I got no problems for recording it... I'll let you know if I get another error again and I'll send my other files... but it worked this time...[/url].

I did not change anything in sources. I simply changed a format of error message.

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Entryway said:

I did not change anything in sources. I simply changed a format of error message.

Got it, but I'm pretty sure that affinity mask was the responsible... it's working fine now, and I've got no problems so far, and I think I won't get any other problems :D, but thank you entryway, cause if you didn't tell me to change that option I wouldn't be recording with prboom plus.

VinceDDS said:

nice to see you step into the doom demos :D

you are the 1st guy I know that started with recording for heretic and then switched to Doom :D

Hehe I'm pretty sure I'm the first crazy guy to do this... in fact I always played doom, but never tried to record demos cause I was always ashamed of my playing when compared to people that recorded the demos... but when I saw no heretic max demos I think I lost the fear of playing and started to improve my skills... I know I'm just starting, but I plan to improve more and more now...

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Bruno Vergílio said:

I always played doom, but never tried to record demos

Then who was that Bruno Vergilio dude I did the WADPAK2 demo set with three years ago?

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The same guy that recorded heretic demos in skill 4 and 5, and the same guy that recorded map01 for CC3... in other words... ME!!!! well yeah yeah I recorded that wadpack demos... but that was all... but, How are you man!?!? I thought you quit dooming... we could finish that map pack series what d'you think!?!? Well, I've been trying to record map23 somedays ago... it's very difficult, but after Xmas I may try it again... see ya guyss!!

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I recorded some tyson demo on map13 in 7:24 but forgot it at home so I will upload it later...

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Nice tyson demo Gusta. You got down there pretty low on health a couple of times and had to fight your way through some barons and cacos to survive. Good map for a tyson though. I hope we'll see some more tysons for CC3.

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It's about time I recorded some Community Chest 3 speedruns...

This is a demo pack for my MAP15 in the project, Clash of Galaxies. This includes some speed demos (with monsters and without,) along with a max demo. Check 'em out!

C315-TGH - UV demos for Community Chest 3 (CCHEST3.WAD) MAP15: Clash of Galaxies by The Green Herring, including:

  • c315-404 - UV speed w/ normal exit in 04:04
  • c315s400 - UV speed w/ secret exit in 04:00
  • c315-653 - UV max in 06:53
  • c315o205 - UV -nomonsters speed w/ normal exit in 02:05
  • c315o208 - UV -nomonsters speed w/ secret exit in 02:08

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That was a sweet max run, Eric! I remember, when I played that map through, I didn't know what I was doing half of the time. Of course, you have perfect knowledge of it. :-)

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Great max run GH! That is one of the funnest maps in the whole set for me. I don't know how you held on in that area with the red key; down to 2 health with hordes converging and only a few blue bottles to draw on. :)

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Nice demos guys, I'll see about making a demo of my map, but, unfortunately I think there's a few monster teleport bugs I missed so I won't be able to get max kills. :(

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Angus Thermopyle said:

Thank, Gusta! Just what I need after wiping at Lady Vashj the whole evening ;)

Hehe, I knew it :-) ... btw have you received my last mail?

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Here's a Valentine's Day gift for you guys: Demos on CC3 MAP27! No speed demo this time, but there's a -respawn demo (my first one ever!) to compensate. Thanks to Never Again's Evilution MAP27 demo for the inspiration! There's also a max that breaks Anima Zero's record by two minutes and four seconds. Check them out!

C327-TGH - UV demos for Community Chest 3 (CCHEST3.WAD) MAP27: Ruby Abyss by The Green Herring, including:

  • C327-925 - UV max in 09:25
  • C327r744 - UV -respawn in 07:44

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A nice -respawn, TGH. I didn't know you were a mapper. Very pretty map, that CC3-27. I love the way the flats match the walls, and there are some neat-looking gallows (ahem!) in there, too. I didn't see any recent WADs after TVR!, I think, just so much fluff; but now I think I'll have to get all CC3 demos thanks to your run.

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Never_Again said:

A nice -respawn, TGH. I didn't know you were a mapper. Very pretty map, that CC3-27. I love the way the flats match the walls, and there are some neat-looking gallows (ahem!) in there, too. I didn't see any recent WADs after TVR!, I think, just so much fluff; but now I think I'll have to get all CC3 demos thanks to your run.

You didn't know I was a mapper? ;)

I mean, not only did I design MAP15 and MAP27, but I reworked three others (MAP08, MAP16, MAP32) and was ultimately responsible for compiling the whole thing (with Use3d assisting.) And the megawad won a Cacoward. Kind of odd that someone wouldn't realize I was a mapper till after I post some demos here...

No offense intended, of course. Those are my only maps at the moment, anyway, at least in a released project. Thank you for the comments! I should have known you'd post here given I cited ER27-856 as an inspiration, anyhow. ;) And I'm glad I, in turn, inspired you to check out the CC3 runs. Be sure to watch the MAP15 demos while you're at it, too.

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Hello. I'm new here. I love watching people complete very difficult Doom maps in demos (and not just hell revealed style levels). Anyway I watched most of the UV max demos for the pack and I'm wondering, is Map 12 even beatable on UV MAX? I tried it on easy and barely survived it. (after completing even Hell revealed II, AV, Deus Vult II, KDIZD, Eternal Doom (1-4), and worse (you don't wanna know) on UV. On UV I couldn't even get past the first underground section. (not nearly enough health or ammo) I'd like to see someone record a Max demo of the map if possible. Thanks.

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Here is a -nomonster max demo for level 18. It is basically just a walkthrough demo with 100% secrets. It was recorded using Prboom-plus with -complevel 9. I hadn't seen any demos for this map, so I wanted to do something that might spur some interest in some of you doing some of the more difficult runs for the level.


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Here is another -nomonster max demo; this time for level 19. As with my demo for level 18, this one was recorded using Prboom-plus with -complevel 9.


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I'm getting my ass kicked by my own level, man. Plus the fact it takes about 45 - 50 minutes to complete, MAN.

EDIT: Alrighty, I finally completed it, I was going for max but I forgot a few monsters, heh. I don't think it's possible anyway because of a dumb error I made with the map regarding monster spawning. I'm also playing pretty cautious and shitty but oh well, it's done at least.


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Here is another -nomonster max demo I did for level 20, a map by Dr. Zin. This is like the other demos for levels 18 & 19 I submitted earlier. This is a challenging map, and I hope to see some all out UV-MAX and/or Speed runs done for it. A little hint: Don't assume too much while you're making your way through this level. You might find yourself starting over quicker than you want to.


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Got 5:16 ultraviolence speedrun of map 20 on cc3. Very fun speedrun map, (but probably would be a tedious max kill map).

I used prboom plus this time so it should work normally. Possible improvements = not killing the mancubus near the rocket launcher (and maybe not even getting the rocket launcher actually) but his fat ass blocked me too many times so I did (I'm used to zdoom where monsters don't have infinite height). Also a quicker way to do the blue key area is just run up to the switch then immediately run directly off the ledge to the lift (but again blocking monsters made me prefer taking more time so I don't have to restart a zillion times but it works occasionally).

Should be an attached file here eventually unless I did it wrong.


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