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Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

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Plut said:

E2M2 Pacifist in 0:16

I would argue that's not the optimal route. Going for left at the beginning and then to the slime might be just enough to get 13s, beating C-N record by 1 second. Requires lot of strafe50 but it should be possible. I tried it without monsters and managed to beat ocelot's nomo in just few minutes. Might not save as much time with monsters around.

I like the music in that map.

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How do you get good at SR50 anyway? It's a different angle from SR40 so it goes against your "instincts" developed through many years of playing. And while running, I find it difficult to switch from SR40 to SR50 without losing some time. I guess the only way is to practice?

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Memfis said:

How do you get good at SR50 anyway?

Practice :) You will get new instinct for strafe50, it doesn't mess your strafe40.

Best map for practicing is doom2 map31 without wallruns. (Wallruns suck, they are luck based). That's just my opinion though.

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Memfis said:

And while running, I find it difficult to switch from SR40 to SR50 without losing some time. I guess the only way is to practice?

Perhaps give some thought to the key bindings you use for Strafe-50. Are they ones that your fingers can easily reach via a smooth transition from normal straferunning? This will depend on both the exact details of your keyboard/mouse and your fingers. If your keyboard has a Windows key inconveniently placed near keys that would otherwise be ideal, you may wish to disable this key.

There have been numerous discussions about keyboard set-ups, both here and at the old Compet-n forums; you may wish to take a look at them for ideas. Note that many players tend to specialize in strafe-50 in just one direction (facing left or right, rather than both), so you might want to consider what is your "natural" strafing direction, and prioritize a comfortable set-up for that.


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Thanks for the advice, I read the first thread and I like the idea of binding "strafe on" and "turn right" to the same button but is that possible in Prboom-plus? I can't seem to do that, at least in the menu. I wonder if manually editing the *.cfg will do the trick.

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Now I've finally sorted out my issues with PrBoom-plus...

E1M2 UV-Max in 2:46

EDIT: Not sure how the hell I did this, but same route as before, in 2:30

EDIT2: How did I not see that? Enemy #79 is officially a douche. reverted to 2:46 demo


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To avoid countless edits of the same post, I improved my E1M2 UV-Max to 2:33, knocking 13 seconds off the previous demo.

I'm happy with this time for now, and will move on to further maps.


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E2M8 UV max 0:41

I attempted this run about 100 times, but couldn't improve on this run. Decided that - for my own safety - it was time to stop.


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E2M8 Tyson Grandmaster (Tyson with -fast) in 3:57

This is totally not a guide how to kill cyberdemon with 50 bullets.


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Ryback suggested demo idea back in 2005:
episode run with -altdeath

So... here's a demo in which E1 completed in such silly way.
Don't upload to DSDA, please.


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Beginner said:

E2M8 Tyson Grandmaster (Tyson with -fast) in 3:57

Huh. I might need to do something about this. It's great to see my strategy is definitely the way to go though =)

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I didn't know the thread in which you posted existed... Merged two Ultimate Doom demos threads. If your question is serious, DSDA wasn't meant to store Compet-N demos, but after Andy took over Opulent he began slowly adding demos to DSDA, Plutonia and TNT took him about a year I think, so Ultimate Doom and Doom II are in progress and will stay in progress for a good while...

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:( I didn't get to see the demo. Just because it isn't a new record doesn't mean that it's worthless.

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How convenient for tyson playing to have 2 green spheres (always too lazy to spell invulnerability xd) in a small lev. :) Modern wads need more of these.

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Episode 2 "Shores of Hell" in 3:49
Played in cndoom 2.02

Going to post an E2M1-E2M7 time thats better than this one, but this run had a good cybie fight.

With attachment this time


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Dime said:

Episode 2 "Shores of Hell" in 3:49
Played in cndoom 2.02

Going to post an E2M1-E2M7 time thats better than this one, but this run had a good cybie fight.

With attachment this time

Really nice, I've been waiting for someone to post a demo of this. I know Kubelwagon did ep2 with the void glide but only uploaded on youtube. That run had a much sloppier m8 as well.

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Episode 2 "Shores of Hell" in 3:34
Played in cndoom 2.02

There we are, satisfied with this for now. Though it can
go below 3:30


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Recently I've gotten a demo of E4M8 of UV -respawn. But my wondering is: Is it world record? I haven't seen any demo for this map on UV -respawn at Compet-n or DSDA. But I'm guessing it would be a no having to say this demo was done on PRBoom+. What is your opinion about my demo?

Here is the demo file.

Edited by jasonfeeds

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Yeah I know I've already read about that the kills and time don't come up in original doom. And about the kills, and think you can find the answer in the youtube video at the end.

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