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About Deadwing

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22638 profile views
  1. Deadwing

    which monster do you hate the most?

    My answer as well lol Love all the other enemies
  2. Deadwing

    How To "Fix" The Spider Mastermind?

    The few times I've placed them my strategy was: - Make them teleport to random specific spots. - Place them in a way they don't in-fight with each other/other enemies. - Give the player a BFG so he can kill them quickly to end the battle or the focus of the battle can change to something else. - In-fight buddies.
  3. Do you guys know any Doom girl face + weapons sprites that I could use in a custom mapset? Thanks!
  4. Deadwing

    thoughts on The Doom Awards™

    I would say that more awards = good, but if the texts/images are generated by IA why not just make a list? Lol
  5. Deadwing

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Someday I'll try to make maps for a 3D platforming game, but I can't deny mapping for Doom is addictive as fuck, it was one of my childhood dreams (also, I lost hours playing with the park editor in THPS2 too lol)
  6. Deadwing

    [WIP] ColdWire

    Looks fantastic indeed! Subscribed to the thread!
  7. Deadwing

    Come up with the most clever troll design decisions

    I'll add a secret with a bfg sprit replacing pool of blood or something like that
  8. The Becoming is fantastic, will add this to my list!
  9. Deadwing

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Great to know! I'll try to pull some of these myself and see if I can get good results haha :D With even mp3's in wads I wouldn't worry much about filesizes lol Really nice to know some of these are 2px as well, it still looks a lot beautiful
  10. Deadwing

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Thanks a lot, guys! It's also better not to abuse them too much as well, right?
  11. Deadwing

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Ah, I see! What about the texture, do you have to combine ceiling + floor texture to get what you desire?
  12. Deadwing

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Woah, is it too hard to make these boom slopes?
  13. Deadwing

    Best years of your life?

    Childhood (90's until 2003), but can't deny things has been getting better since the end of the pandemia. Hopefully 2024 will be the best personally since childhood years
  14. Deadwing

    Doom hybrid monster pack

    Fantastic work! I'll try to use one of them at least :D
  15. Deadwing

    Is using SAVES in Doom bad?

    Play the way you want. If you want to avoid relying in saves too much, try to save between setpieces only (or in strategic places if they are too big), but the final rule is always your own