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Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

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MD922 said:

I got 0:50 on Toxin Refinery (E1M3) normal exit.
Pretty good run :D

I suggest you upload your demos with a textfile that, at least, describes basic info about the demo (like what port it was recorded with, the time, etc.). Also, in case you didn't know, demos on WADs that have a lot of speedruns usually have naming conventions (like in the case of this demo, you'd call the file "e1m3-050.lmp"). By the way, you don't need to run PrBoom+ with the file parameter if you're speedrunning an IWAD.

Other than that, welcome to the forums. :D

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Thanks for the welcome 4shockblast! I've seen you a lot in dime's streams. I'll do that in my next demo.

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Can I ask a question about DSDA conventions? some of the best times on E1M1 UV-Tyson are listed as TAS - does that mean they are built demos or simply that they used a tool such as a stats HUD?

here's my own submission for that category:
recorded with -complevel 3 and with the prboom+ stats HUD


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Advanced HUD is tolerated in sourceport demos, TAS indicates true "cheater" tools like sr50 automation, sr50 on turns, segmentation, slo-mo, etc.

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yakfak said:

Can I ask a question about DSDA conventions? some of the best times on E1M1 UV-Tyson are listed as TAS - does that mean they are built demos or simply that they used a tool such as a stats HUD?

DSDA lists TAS as: Tool-Assisted Speedrun. Indicates use of slow-motion, savegames, automated Strafe50 or building frame-by-frame.

The boom HUD doesn't fall under TAS, though it is a different way of playing the game compared to without it. imo, I think it's implied that the boom HUD is used when someone records in a port where it's available.

EDIT: it took me 11 minutes to reply???

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Thanks to both of you for the answers. in that case I might have accidentally recorded something competitive!

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yakfak said:

Thanks to both of you for the answers. in that case I might have accidentally recorded something competitive!

The DSDA isn't fully updated on Doom and Doom 2 Compet-N demos, so actual record is 0:47 by Xit Vono, and available here.

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Hello, I'm some idiot you've never heard of. I've recently gotten into NM & NM100S runs after finding Ryback's channel on youtube. It's fun and challenging. I thought stx-vile's record for E1M9 looked weirdly unoptimised, so with encouragement from some IRC cats, I've spent the last couple days trying to beat it. And I did! I'm aware it's not official as it's Chocolate Doom, but I'm still quite pleased with it.

E1M9 NM100S in 0:57
Chocolate Doom


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Welcome and well done! For future references, before you make your post, you can also post your zip file with the demo and text file inside it by clicking: Browse > select your file and done, since nearly everyone does that, but no biggie.

A warm welcome once again. :)

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wpwp Kpa6, I was expecting that a faster run would def have an improved E2M6 but didn't realize there was 2 seconds on E2M7.

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Thanks Dime:) e2m7 is easy 0:12 if you get a bit more luck with the caco and the imps. e2m6 is pure luck, I was going for anything under 0:35. There is so much potential for e2m4 and e2m5, it can be 0:42 and 0:32.

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Kpa6 said:

Found something on e3m5. Should save a second if done properly. Haven't seen it done in the demos.

Funny, I actually knew about that and thought about beating the paci/uv-speed time that way :D Didn't find it too long ago tho.

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Guys! RJ on e3m7 seems doable after all, but only if you got 95-100 HP and at least 100 AP. In my recent e3dq-305 i don't have those. Any suggestions? RJ may save about 7-8 secs. Also e3m5 ldskip looks pointless to me.

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I think rocket jump deals 128 at maximum, which means with green armor you need (128/3)*2 = 86hp. Are you sure you need full rocket blast damage boost for the jump? Maybe 100hp/0armor is enough?

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Looper said:

Are you sure you need full rocket blast damage boost for the jump?

Absolutely. BTW i managed to grab the GA w/o any time loss, so it's no biggie.

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Some runners exclude eXm8 from the final time. Dime posted his run as 3:34, and I wanted to be consistent with that, as that was the time I was trying to beat. I don't know the story well enough, but as far as I understand, Compet-n excludes eXm8 times, while DSDA includes that.

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Kpa6 said:

Some runners exclude eXm8 from the final time. Dime posted his run as 3:34, and I wanted to be consistent with that, as that was the time I was trying to beat. I don't know the story well enough, but as far as I understand, Compet-n excludes eXm8 times, while DSDA includes that.

I see.

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Kpa6 said:

Found something on e3m5. Should save a second if done properly. Haven't seen it done in the demos.

I take my words back! It IS useful. Cuts off 1sec, just like you said.

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