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Doom Streams

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Happy 20th birthday Doom II! And to celebrate, I'm going to play through Eternal's "Doom Memorial" wad, which has every single Doom 2 level on one map combined with ramping up the difficulty and chucking 4k monsters into the mix.

Should be fun!

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Depending on my mood, I may get into streaming later on but Twitch is being stupid and I am not getting my password recovered despite multiple attempts. I will keep trying.

Maybe Hitbox I'll go with if I stream..

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I installed OBS and setup my stream yesterday, you can add me to the list. I will stream only playtroughts and maybe even some mapping but that would be probably too painfull to watch :D

I play lot of games, but I plan to stream everytime I will be playing doom pwads. I might stream some other games too, but doom will be my focus. I might even use mic later on.


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Perhaps against good advice from other people in my livestream chat the other day, I'm going to take a look at joe-ilya's "Lost Maps" whilst I wait for the Club to cover the third wad this month. (I did say I'd take a look at this long before recent events)

I'm expecting.....some heavy discussion to say the least, and perhaps joe-ilya will pop along in the chat also!

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Going to tackle the third beta of 'Five Rooms of Doom', since I said I'd take a look at this intriguing megawad project idea a while back. From what I saw of the ending of this from a Tarnsman stream a bit ago, it gets tricky at the end....

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Playing the PSX TC like a drunk scrub (continuing from MAP24), so expect lots of time to be wasted via running around and leaving certain items until ready to exit each map. I had started the actual console version a while back but didn't note the password down, so I had to restart from MAP01. Oh well, at least I can go straight into Final Doom after.


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