Title: Infected Area
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/infected.zip
Size: 554.31 KB
Date: 02/17/96
Author: Chuck Grant
Description: 7 single player levels for DOOM ][
Credits: Author of DCK, the best level editor!
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Many months, on and off
Editor(s) used: DCK22, NWT13, RMB22
Bugs: None
Rating: (7 votes)
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One of many personal favorites. Clever puzzley maps. The best storyline too.x
Good and challenging maps.x
Seven solid, consistent levels from January 1996. They're very much of a piece - mostly dungeon-slime-techba se - and they're good fun and have had some thought put into them. There are a few problems typical of the period, with some featureless mazes, and the detailing is very simple. The levels tend to be a bit long-winded as well, but overall I enjoyed them. Appears to be the author's only set of Doom levels.x
It's very good. Thanks once more to the guy who hates everything for drawing attention to an excellent wad. :px
i thank alot of doomers will like this wad however i fucking hatid it! x

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