Title: For Jihad Skins
Filename: skins/jihaskin.zip
Size: 4.65 MB
Date: 12/17/13
Author: Mujahid
Description: Skins of most monsters from For Jihad Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from al-Qaeda, Taliban, and jihadist forces. You can be either a Magical Piranha, al-Qaeda Gunman, Taliban Fighter, Taliban Rocketeer, and even the one and only Osama bin Laden!!! Troll it up, troll it down, troll with the sound. Now go have fun and fuck around, you bitch.
Credits: n/a
Base: Modified
Build time: n/a
Editor(s) used: n/a
Bugs: Not that I know of.
Rating: (2 votes)
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