Title: Jolted DooM
Filename: graphics/jolt.zip
Size: 47.86 KB
Date: 02/19/97
Author: David Pooley
Description: This file will change the barrels into Jolt Cola cans. Even though there is no real "explosion", the force of the explosion is still there. You can still kill your enemies (and yourself) by blasting barrels. I know that this works for DooM v1.9, it should work with DooM-II
Credits: idsoftware, JOLT Cola
Base: Uh, DooM?
Build time: I can't remember
Editor(s) used: DMGraph, PhotoShop
Bugs: cockroaches, wetas, dung beatles, earwigs rhinocerous beatles, John, Paul, George, Ringo, ants, carpet beatles, spiders, bedbugs, VeeDubs, wasps etc...
Rating: (2 votes)
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thats allot of bugs! im not going to play it....x
cockroaches, wetas, dung beatles, earwigs rhinocerous beatles, John, Paul, George, Ringo, ants, carpet beatles, spiders, bedbugs, VeeDubs, wasps etc...x

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