Title: Jon skin
Filename: skins/jon.zip
Size: 135.74 KB
Date: 05/08/06
Author: RottKing
Description: A converted skin of Jon, the main character from the game "Power Slave"/"Exhumed". Also comes with a bot file.
Credits: Carvevil for Skulltag, Lobotomy Software for Power Slave, Glortho for being full of suck, and Lin Mengju for reminding me that you can scale skins in ZDoom/Skulltag.
Base: Sprites from Power Slave/Exhumed.
Build time: Two days.
Editor(s) used: XWE, Cool edit, and Paint shop pro 9.
Bugs: None known of.
Rating: (5 votes)
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The crouch / swim sprites are missing, the sound effect are crapped up, and the XDeath state wasn't even properly inserted. The recolor is nice for being able to change it in the game, but the lack of sprites and the poor implementation gives me severe diarrhea of the butt.x

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