Title: Alpha Guns 05
Filename: combos/le-alpha.zip
Size: 100.4 KB
Date: 09/06/04
Author: Luiz Eduardo
Description: This is a Doom mod which replaces the original guns with the weapons from the alpha versions of Doom
Credits: Sparky of KISS Software for the original file,
Base: weapons taken from alpha04g,wad. the knife is from Operation arctic-wolf and the unmaker is from the bitch-ass weapons emporium.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DeepSea.
Bugs: None. i think i made a good work.
Rating: (5 votes)
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The weapons are positioned WAY too high, and they didn't even attempt to improve the firing animations. Better as a resource file than anything else.x
to be honest,this is an Okay Weapon wad.though, if you read the Doom Bible,some of the stuff in ths wad just cannot stack up..but it is Light Years ahead of Wow.wad and That Awful Doom anomaly Shotgun patch.-DiscoZombiex
a bug not as good workx

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