Title: Broom
Filename: combos/le-broom.zip
Size: 16.74 KB
Date: 04/30/05
Author: Luiz Eduardo (a.k.a DuduCrazy)
Description: i was in my bedroom, i got nothing to do, when suddenly, i had a crazy idea. i picked up my mother's broom, and my sister's digital camera, and then i started to take some pictures of me holding the broom. i edited it, and i implemented it on Heretic. and the result is a broom that replaces the staff. it's time to clean this mess up!
Credits: my sister's digital camera, for making this mod possible. and the company who made the broom.
Base: Photos taken with my sister's digital camera.
Build time: about 20 minutes.
Editor(s) used: DeepSea, Paint.
Bugs: just a simple white dot that appears when attacking.
Rating: (9 votes)
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