A sequel to the original DuduCrazy's Guns. After reading WildWeasel's review in the Doom Armory, i've decided to create a sequel to the original mod which purpose is to be better than the first version, taking advantage of the Decorate system.
- 3drealms - Acclaim Entertainment - ID Software - Irrational Games - Looking Glass - The Dark Archon - Jetflock - Eurocom - Marty Kirra - Valve - The Doom 2.5 Team - SEGA - The Resident Evil To Serve and Protect team - Scuba Steve - WildWeasel - Xaser - Jin - Midway Entertainment - Chronoteeth - Cory Whittle - Gearbox Software - The Duke 64 Team - The HavoX - Espi - Dynamix - Ion Storm - Electronic Arts - Banjo Software - Kaiser - Captain Red - Interplay - Parallax Software - Splash Damage