The second installment on the DuduKrazy's Guns series. (Third if you count DuduKrazy's Guns SE)
Crytek, Id Software, Espi, Eurocom, Chronoteeth, Acclaim entertainment, Parallax Software, Volition, Wildweasel, 3DRealms, hitmanx, Nick Anderson, aka Electronic Samurai, New Media Generation, The people who made the Counter-Strike weapon skins, Apogee Software, Enjay.
Resources ripped bundled with some interesting ideas of mine.
Build time:
Lots of months.
Editor(s) used:
MS Paint, Irfanview, XWE, Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer, Gadwin PrintScreen.
As far as i know, only a simple glitch with the plasma ball impact graphic. it doesn't appear if you are too close to a wall.