Title: DuduKrazy's Guns III
Filename: combos/le-guns3.zip
Size: 3.84 MB
Date: 04/30/09
Author: DuduKrazy
Description: DuduKrazy's Guns III is the third installment on the DuduCrazy's Guns weapon mod series.(fourth if you count DuduCrazy's Guns SE) The mod is heavily inspired by the japanese culture, as well as some games like Shadow Warrior, the Shinobi series (16-bit era), etc.
Credits: WildWeasel, ChronoTeeth, Mauricio Rocks, Enjay, Cutmanmike, Vaecrius, Jstanf35, Nash, Nmn, Bungie, Valve, ID Software, Monolith Productions, Sega, Rogue Entertainment, Raven Software, 3D Realms, Jetflock, Blade Nightflame, Mortarion, Marty Kirra, Banjo Software, Doomed Soul.
Base: Modified
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Rating: (22 votes)
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