Title: DooM LEGACY Release v1.2
Filename: source/legacy120.zip
Size: 753.93 KB
Date: 05/19/98
Author: Denis Fabrice & Boris Pereira
Description: Hello all Doom fans of the world, here is the latest release of Doom LEGACY project by Fab & Boris (we still didn't found a name for our team, let's say it is 'Fab & Boris').

Well, if you are reading this you probably know by now that the gods at IdSoftware have released the sources of the greatest game on earth : Doom !!

Of course a lot of projects have started around the sources since about January 1998, and Doom LEGACY is competing to be the best of the choices!

We have always dreamed of Doom sources being released, and all the features that we'd like to add. Since Doom1 was out we are fans of deathmatching. Don't ask us why we like it more than Duke Nukem or other clones, we like the atmosphere of Doom and its like that!

This new version of Doom is not commercial anymore, but you should have the original Doom2 data (doom2.wad and other files), that comes with the original Doom2 software.
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