Title: Low Guard
Filename: skins/lgskin.zip
Size: 78.26 KB
Date: 03/17/04
Author: Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing)
Description: The Low Guard from Rise of The Triad.
Credits: Apogee/3DRealms, The Epidermis Emporium for it's tutorial, Blue Sonnet for doing a great job on the Low Guard's shooting and pain angles, and RollingBrass for being a flaming queen.
Base: Low Guard sprites and a few sounds.
Build time: 20 something hours. (Including mistakes which had to be fixed)
Editor(s) used: WinTex 3.4, WinTex 4.3, Paint Shop Pro 7, Cool Edit Pro.
Bugs: None I can think of.
Rating: (3 votes)
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