Title: Andrew's Library
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/library.zip
Size: 101.26 KB
Date: 01/10/24
Author: Andrew Turnbull
Description: Andrew's Library is a "proof of concept" effort at reproducing the J. Frank Marsh Library (at Concord College in Athens, WV) in a video game. Since "Doom" came out in 1993, the map strives to accurately reflect the configuration of the library as it would have existed 30 years ago, give or take.
Base: All new
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: Due to the sheer number of visplanes necessary to accurately reproduce the library in the Doom engine, a limit removing source port is necessary to play this level. Doom 95 and (presumably) Vanilla Doom will crash attempting to load it.
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