Title: MAYhem 17: The Lost Levels Resources
Filename: combos/m17tll_res.zip
Size: 3.71 MB
Date: 09/19/20
Author: Various (see Additional Credits)
Description: A recompiled resource of the assets used in Super Mayhem 17, with additions intended for the cancelled Lost Levels addon pack. Includes new Dehacked actors and a demo map originally created by Forli for the Lost Levels project.

All new assets are prefixed with the letter M, and new flats are prefixed with F. Second character futher groups assets by game


M1\F1 = Super Mario Bros. 1 M2\F2 = Super Mario Bros. 2 M3\F3 = Super Mario Bros. 3 MG\FG = Game Boy games (Land, etc) MW\FW = Super Mario World MY\FY = Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island M_\F_ = Generic additions MX\FX = Uncategorized Extras\customs
Credits: Nintendo for various graphics, rf` for sprites, Fuzzball for Menu gfx, Gothic for screens, leodoom85 for endpic\endmap. Alfonzo for music edits. Jimmy for fonts. Obsidian for boss DEHACKED. xxkaijuking91xx for Bowser spritesheet.

If I missed you somehow let me know because I can update this textfile any time.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: N/A
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3, GIMP
Bugs: None
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