Title: M51 Rifle
Filename: combos/m51rifle.zip
Size: 37.98 KB
Date: 08/15/15
Author: enderkevin13
Description: A new weapon I created.

Fire rate: Full auto Replaces: Chainsaw Damage: 3 Fire speed: Slow Slot number: 2
Credits: ID Software, for the alpha rifle sprites.
Base: None
Build time: A couple hours maybe
Editor(s) used: Slade3, Paint.NET
Bugs: None so far.
Rating: (6 votes)
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perfect keep it upx
I dislike the sprite because it blocks my viewx
The sprite is rather large and obstructs the field of view. You could have altered the sprite to make it less tall. Also, the weapon itself is mediocre.x
Accurate, but certainly weak in the damage rating. Makes the possessed crew a bit tuff, which is cool in a way. ~2/5x

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