Title: m8f's toolbox v1.1
Filename: combos/m8ftools.zip
Size: 1.08 MB
Date: 06/13/19
Author: Alexander 'm8f' Kromm
Description: collection of minimods for GZDoom game engine: - Armament Tuning: assortment of weapon options; - Autoautosave: check point system: triggers game save on game events; - Hellscape Navigator: set of tools that help level navigation; - IDCLEVer Starter: automatic level pistol-starting; - Laser Sight: universal laser pointer; - Pomodoro: game timer; - Precise Crosshair: more convenient crosshair; - Target Spy: highly configurable enemy health bars; - Ultimate Custom Doom: means to configure many parameters of the game; - Weapon Menu: tool to facilitate arsenal management.
Credits: Freedoom project, id Software, Ed the Bat, KeksDose, Jimmy, Ola Björling, TerminusEst13, NeuralStunner, Gutawer, vapidscum, Lud (Accensus)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1.5 years
Editor(s) used: Emacs, GIMP, Slade
Bugs: Multiplayer isn't tested.
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