Title: DOOM Mac Barrels v1.0
Filename: graphics/macbar10.zip
Size: 88.08 KB
Date: 06/06/94
Author: Atul Varma
Description: The wound from that demon scrape is killing you!! You try to look around at the scenery to divert your attention for a bit. All around you is barren wasteland. There is some- thing that catches your attention, however. To your right is an old Macintosh Classic, the UAC's general-purpose torture device which also, ironically, doubles as a poor excuse for an abacus... er, computer. It was invented in the late twentieth century, but the Apple corporation that made it apparently couldn't stand up to the competition of the other superpowerful PC companies, so their technology never progressed. AAACH! Suddenly, an Imp comes out of the shadows, roaring its Satanic battle-cry as it sees you. Thinking quickly, you let out a blast from your shotgun, but because of your terrible aim, the shell hits the old Mac. The thing rattles, the screen cracks, and the damn thing EXPLODES into a ball of red fire with a distant system beep in the background, killing the Imp!! Holy shit! Maybe these things CAN be useful...!
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