Title: Mark's Music For DOOM 1
Filename: music/markmus1.zip
Size: 91.69 KB
Date: 04/09/97
Author: Mark Moore
Description: Listen to silly music, well, silly for DOOM, anyway. Perfect for DEATHMATCH!!
Credits: The people who made MIDI2MUS.EXE, DMMUSIC.EXE, and the midis I used. And TiC for NewWadTool (NWT).
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 26 minutes! 11:40 AM - 12:06 PM
Editor(s) used: MIDI2MUS, DMMUSIC, and NWT
Bugs: none!
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is hilarious. XDx
Hilarious! it's perfect for mass killing!x

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