Title: Immoral Conduct Boom Version. V2
Filename: combos/md-ic.zip
Size: 2.44 MB
Date: 08/09/02
Author: Cory Whittle (original immmoral conduct, :Maximillian Daley AKA Railgunner (translation), and that g
Description: When Cory Whittle first released Immoral Conduct, people were impressed. Unfortunatley, many did not prefer EDGE as their engine. Instead, most people played either a Boom-like port or Zdoom 1.23. This is what it's for.
Credits: Quite a few, check Cory's website.
Base: From Immoral Conduct SE
Build time: A week
Editor(s) used: Wintex and Dehacked
Rating: (4 votes)
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Not bad,but not as cool as the EDGE version of this.x
prity goodx

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