Title: MDK Armory
Filename: combos/mdk_arms.zip
Size: 446.08 KB
Date: 10/20/18
Author: ClonedPickle
Description: MDK Armory is a dumb weapon pack inspired by the ZDoom console command/cheat "mdk," which deals 10,000 damage to whatever you're pointing at. As such, every weapon deals 10,000 damage. It's a jokewad that will hopefully provide catharsis and might prove fun to anyone who wants to experience slaughterwads extremely casually.
Credits: Scuba Steve, for the Action Doom pistol, rifle, spread shot, missile launcher, various hands, and sounds. Marty Kirra and wildweasel for the pump shotgun. JoeyTD for the Super Shotgun. Snarboo for helping with the Action Doom rifle, thank you weasel for pointing that out. Minigunner for help with the Double Deuce, and Raven Software's Tome of Power sprite for the pickup. Xaser Acheron for BOMB, with mild art assets from Monolith and Nintendo. The left hand and a sprite from Super Mario World, to be precise. Tarnsman for vocal talent. Jimmy for useful feedback!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Probably like a week followed by four years of nothing, then one more day to wrap it up
Editor(s) used: SLADE, Photoshop, Paint
Bugs: It's really easy to break MAP07 666/667 triggers by killing too quickly, so keep that in mind.
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