Title: Mike's sounds for DOOM/DOOM II
Filename: sounds/mikesnds.zip
Size: 1.41 MB
Date: 07/26/95
Author: Michael Lundy
Description: A COMPLETE replacement of all the DOOM II sounds. This will work with DOOM one, but will waste a lot of space if you never use it with DOOM II.
Credits: My brother, Matt for making the gross sound recorded as DSBGSIT1. 3 1/2 inch disks, for the reload sound.
Base: New WAD from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks, on and off.
Editor(s) used: MS Sound Recorder, DeuTex 3.5
Bugs: None, but you might want to turn your sound down halfway.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Bad King John
Some sounds are good, like the explosions and lifts, others are a bit silly like some chipmonk type voices. Probably ripped off various platform games that were around at the time.x

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