Title: monkey
Filename: graphics/monkey.zip
Size: 138.67 KB
Date: 03/14/97
Author: Steve Rescoe
Description: Amusing sockmonkey pedals all around on it's little red tricycle,then tries to rip your face off..until you blast the stuffing out of it. This is a replacement for the pink demon in Doom and DoomII.
Credits: Olivier Montanuy for WINTEX,Id software,and all the monkey dolls my grandmother used to make out of socks.
Base: New monster sprite
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wintex 4.2,paint program Fauve Matisse and a Summagraphics drawing tablet.
Bugs: none well,none other than that a bunch of sockmonkeys gnawing on you can be quite annoying.
Rating: (16 votes)
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