Title: Doom: Earrape Edition
Filename: sounds/myearsow.zip
Size: 481.54 KB
Date: 05/05/16
Author: TheSoldiersShadow
Description: The only thing this PK3 file changes is the fact that EVERY SINGLE sound file in vanilla doom 1 & 2 are edited to be EXTREMELY distorted and loud, hence the name. Can you play all the Doom 1 & 2 levels with this on? Prepare your ears, because this is gonna be loud...

P.S. You can use this to prank people if you're a sadistic person.
Credits: Audacity for the sound editing.
Base: Modified version of Doom 1 & 2
Build time: 2-3 hours, because Amplifying sounds take long
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (17 votes)
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A true masterpiece. Only for those with ears of steel, of course.x
Does what it says on the tin, i guess. Not sure why you'd want to use this.x
Ijon Tichy
i feel like somewhere along the line someone forgot what the word 'joke' means in 'jokewad'x

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